
Oregon Scientific compatible Temperature, Humidity, UV and Luxmeter Sensor

Primary LanguageC++


Oregon Scientific compatible Temperature, Humidity, UV and Luxmeter Sensor

This is an Oregon Scientific THGR810 / UVN8000 sensor emulator (Temperature, Humidity and UV) based on Joseph Shuy work: http://shuhy.com/esi/osv3_dock_sensor.htm

Designed and modified by Daniele Sgroi, for OS Protocol 3.0, daniele.sgroi@gmail.com

Using task scheduler from Anatoli Arkhipenko: https://github.com/arkhipenko/TaskScheduler

Based on libraries written by Limor Fried & Kevin Townsend for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution

information on these sensor was gleened from multiple places

Parts used include:

  • Arduino Pro Mini - ATMEGA 168P - 3.3V - 8 MHz (voltage reg and LED removed)
  • generic 3-pin 433,92 MHz transmitter
  • BH1750 i2c Luxmeter
  • VEML6070 i2c Ultra-Violet radiation sensor
  • HTU21DF i2c Temperature and Humidity sensor (3.3V no i2c pullup)

Channel allocations (can be customized):

  • 0 = UV Index
  • 2 = Temperature and Humidity %
  • 3 = Lux (sent scaled as Temperature) and Battery (sent scaled as Humidity %)

TARGET: ATmega 168 / 8 MHz @ 3.0V = 2.81 mA idle / 6.42 mA tx peak

WARNING: with DEBUG enabled, sketch uses up to 80% of AT168P Dynamic Memory. This is marginal for stability and resources availability. Comment DEBUG for release version. Upgrade to 328P should be also possible.

Tested succesfully with WMR88 and WMR200 OS base stations.

Last updated on November 28, 2021