
Feed-based 20x4 LCD for Micropython and Pico

Primary LanguagePython


LCD Feed

lcd.feed creates terminal syle 20x4 LCD output, for Micropython and Rpi Pico.

This is written for the Freenove I2C LCD 2004 & I2C LCD 1602 modules. It utilizes the code provided by Freenove, except condensed into a single file with the addition of my LCD Feed functions. However, I believe this code should work for similar LCD displays from other vendors.



Copy LCD_Display.py into your Pico /lib directory.

Add the following lines to main.py for a 20x4 display:

import time
from machine import I2C, Pin
from LCD_Display import LcdApi, I2CLcd

"""LCD Section"""
i2c = I2C(0, sda=Pin(20), scl=Pin(21), freq=400000) #GPIO 20 & 21 have no other function but I2C
devices = i2c.scan()
if devices != []:
    lcd = I2CLcd(i2c, devices[0], 4, 20)

lcd.topdata("THIS REMAINS STATIC")
lcd.feed("^ These")
lcd.feed("^^ Lines")
lcd.feed("^^^ Feed")
lcd.feed("^^^^ Up")
lcd.feed("as you add new ones")

Alter the following lines in main.py for use with a 16x2 LCD display:

 if devices != []:
     lcd = I2CLcd(i2c, devices[0], 2, 16)

For the Rpi Pico I have found that GPIO 20 & 21 are ideal for I2C devices because these pins are not otherwise used for functions such as UART, ADC or SPIO. Match the Pico & LCD SDA pins together. And match the SCL pins together.

Rpi Pico Pinout


To feed the full 4 lines of text simply disable the lcd.topdata function with:

lcd.topdataline = False

To start or resume a static top data line use:

lcd.topdata("  Your new string   ")