- 1
Not getting currency and price_unit from Tibber
#297 opened by johan-ketels - 8
- 2
Mehrere Instanzen
#290 opened by wartungsmonteur - 1
Missing matplotlib with HA Core version 2024.2.1
#291 opened by jatty - 2
Realtime example broken?
#283 opened by mariosk8s - 1
Invalid session not actually raising Exception
#280 opened by janolehuebner - 1
Home_id not active, unable to pull info
#281 opened by alexhopes - 1
realtime.sub_manager is None
#277 opened by bitte-ein-bit - 0
State awaiting termination
#274 opened by LEJOUI - 4
- 4
- 6
Wrong calculation of energy production & consuming
#270 opened by jovana - 1
python3.8 compatability, for Venos OS
#271 opened by rodwalker - 0
adjust requirements python
#267 opened by maartenvanels - 2
Current consumption issue with DZG DxS74 power meters; consumption < 655.36 watts get counted negative
#266 opened by HWiese1980 - 1
websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: received 4429 (private use) Too many open connections on this server:
#265 opened by BastiR40 - 3
Found less data than requested
#263 opened by martin3000 - 13
- 1
- 1
Both README examples are not functinal
#251 opened by Yornik - 6
Working example for Realtime data
#228 opened by flopp999 - 3
pyTibber uses disabled websocket API
#242 opened by wolfc01 - 1
Undocumented websockets dependency
#235 opened by kler - 4
Prohibited connection! - Connection error
#236 opened by mtomzig - 5
Subscription does not work (callback not called)
#218 opened by ThomasRgbg - 2
list index out of range in realtime example
#233 opened by versus167 - 3
Excessive logging from gql
#234 opened by heikkih - 1
Example apparently does not work
#224 opened by wolfc01 - 2
- 1
Error on bad connection makes HA stops pulling
#207 opened by kklem0 - 0
home.current_price_data() fails with KeyError
#203 opened by metrafonic - 1
#197 opened by marcelcastrobr - 2
pyTibber 0.24.0 does not work with Python 3.10.4
#194 opened by asgaut - 1
Step by step guide
#188 opened by Oddjobe - 3
Not able to run the rt_subscribe
#170 opened by marcelcastrobr - 1
Realtime power
#183 opened by peroveh - 0
All pytest tests in the code-checker workflow are skipped because pytest-asyncio is not installed.
#178 opened by BeatsuDev - 1
[Feature equest] Add statistics for the cost/energy to be used in the HA energy dashboard
#179 opened by seagri - 0
Dependency issue?
#176 opened by mansson - 1
#171 opened by magistra - 2
await' outside function
#159 opened by larsvinc - 1
python3.6.9 SyntaxError
#153 opened by wittrup - 1
Hardcoded offpeak
#152 opened by frafall - 1
- 3
"Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" from a Raspberry Pi Python3.9.3 32-bit
#121 opened by troelde - 1
- 1
Pricesensor/s in HomeAssistant
#119 opened - 1
Endpoint for sending car battery status
#118 opened by TomTorger - 0
- 1
Example in is supposed to work?
#100 opened by sebchalmers