
Neovim plugin to integrate text-to-image models.

Primary LanguageLua


Neovim plugin to integrate text-to-image models inside of neovim. A normal use case for this plugin is someone that is writing prose, which selects some text to be rendered as an image, and opened up to be enjoyed. For instance:

A swirling wind demon fighting against a raging fire demon over the ocean, epic, digital art:



  • Table of contents

[Installation](# Installation)


Installing this plugin is not a trivial matter, don't be discouraged. The installation features 3 stages. It assumes you have the Nix package manager installed. Nix installation instructions.

1: Downloading stable-diffusions model weights (.ckpt file)

  1. Request access to this HuggingFace stable-diffusions repository.
  • This will require logging in to HuggigFace or create an account, which requires a name and email.
  1. Head to this link and in the section Download the weights, download the file called sd-v1-4.ckpt. This file will be refered to as the weights file, and we will get back to it later.

2: Clone fork of stable-diffusions repository

Original stable-diffusions uses conda, which is not good as a use for nvim plugins because we need to enter a conda environment via conda-shell. Instead we use a fork (maintained by yours truly) which uses a standard requirements.txt for python packages and non-python dependencies via nix (no nix knowledge is required). This should take care of nvidia drivers, C++ compilers needed for pytorch and every python dependency!.

  1. Clone fork of stable-diffusion:
  • git clone https://github.com/Danielhp95/stable-diffusion
  1. Move weights file file to directory stable-diffusion/ldm/models/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt:
  • mv <path-to-weights-file> stable-diffusion/ldm/models/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt
  1. OPTIONAL: Run command:
  • NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 nix-shell default.nix --run "python optimizedSD/optimized_txt2img.py --prompt \"A robot testing itself\" "

3: Installing neovim Plugin

Install pluing via your favourite plugin manager. I personally recommend packer.nvim. These are the different configuration options.

use {'danielhp95/imagine.nvim',
     requires = {'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim',  -- Lua utility library used internally
                 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' -- For selecting saved images
     config = function() require("imagine").setup({
        path_to_executable = "<path-to-cloned-stable-diffusion>",
        cmd = "python optimizedSD/optimized_txt2img.py",
        visual_selection_keymap = "<leader>i",
        image_viewer = "imv",  -- Other alternatives: feh
        config = {
          model_config = "",
          prompt_extras = ", digital art"  -- Stylizes images


For detailed documentation see the built-in docs.


  • Imagine <prompt>: Calls text to image model with the given prompt. A terminal will open showing the creation process.
  • ImagineRemember: Opens telescope on the directory where results are kept. Selected item will be open in imv
  • ImagineOpenConfigFile: Opens current config file for image creation.
  • ImagineSetConfigFile <path-to-config-file>: Sets a file given by path-to-config-file for the current session.


Setting up this plugin is rather complex, so expect difficulties along the way. If your issue isn't listed here, open an issue on this repo.

I am lacking Imagination, which prompts should I use?

Be inspired by Lexica, a compilation of inputs / outputs for these kind of models.

Downloading Python dependencies failed and now they won't download again

Destroy the .venv/ directory and try again! It won't try to download dependencies again if that directory is present.

No CUDA drivers found when running model

Open an issue containing (1) the error message (2) The output of command nvidia-smi (3) Any information you might find relevant.

I get a JSONDecodeError when running the model

Could be related to a config file for the model for stable-diffusions. For unknown (potentially evil) reasons, running the model requires checking for updates on Hugging Face servers, which can download arbitrary files (scary). Some of these config files have proved to be malformed. This thread helped me once