Read me

This project creates a Java application that uses a MongoDB database which contains a list of movies, movie comments, reviews and users along with other details. This application allows users to query certain fields within the database, while following the spring architecture layout: Entities->Repository->Service->Controller We implement RestAPIs and endpoints to allow the following CRUD methods.

GET /web/movies/add-city: Adds a new movie.
GET /web/movie: Retrieves all movies.
GET /web/movie/{id}: Retrieves a movie by its ID.
GET /web/movie/delete/{id}: Deletes a movie by its ID.

The above is similar for the comments and theaters and users controller

Acceptance Criteria

Interact with the MongoDb mflix World Database
Use basic CRUD operations
Provide multiple types of search methods
Implement the service layer in the application
Tested with WebMVCTests
Secure endpoints with an API
Error handling of API endpoints
Front end website to interact with mflix Database


JDK 21, JUnit, Thymeleaf, SpringBoot, Spring Reactive Web, Rest Repositories, Mongo DB Driver

Connecting to your database

Connecting to your database

Firstly, please ensure that you have connected to the mflix mongoDB database. To access it please follow the instructions at the link: You will need to create an account and load sample data.

To link to your database please fill out the following in your file.<PROJECT NAME> <URL>

How to use the Program

Open the project directory and ensure the server is running. We recommend you use the User Interface we create to interact with the data. However, may you prefer to do so, there's an available Rest API you can use to investigate the data.

📫 If you encounter any bugs, please open up an issue to let us know. Alternatively, we welcome suggestions for any updates or improvements you would like to see!