Adonis API application rolePlay

This app creates users and groups, users can request to join a group, the request can be accepted or rejected, users can be removed from groups

Clone the repository
  1. create the .env file in the project root based on the .env.example file in order to set the environment variables
  2. run adonis key:generate

use the node command to install the dependencies

npm install


  • the database used for the tests is Sqlite3
  • the database used for the project is Postgres
  • collection is attached in insomnia to import and test


Run the following command to run startup migrations.

node ace migration:run


Run the following command to run test.

yarn test

Run API application

yarn dev
  • Ports to use that should not be busy or with local services turned off:
    • Postgres: 5432
    • AdonisJS: 3333

Autor: Angel Daniel Menideta Castillo © 2022