Digital library.

YouTube demo:

This library was created to store electronic books in pdf format. The user is offered a wide range of functionality: you can watch and download books. Using the admin panel you can:

  1. add a book
  2. change the book
  3. upload book files
  4. change the list of authors
  5. assign tags to the book
  6. edit the list of tags
  7. edit the general list of authors and the list of authors of the book
  8. close the book from viewing

For a user on the storefront you can do the following:

  1. Watch books
  2. Search all books by tag


Download Python:

Download pip Download Flask (cmd): pip install flask

Download PostgreSQL:

Open pgAdmin4 and use backup: backup_library.tar or backup

Change DB data for your db (, line 17)

run python