
Invest in autonomous, decentralized exchange traded funds with assets from dozens of blockchains.

Primary LanguageGo


Defund is a blockchain that allows the investment in and creation of diversified, autonomous exchange traded funds.

Set Up Validator/Node On Akash

Details on setting up a Defund node and/or validator are coming soon.


You will need Golang, Rust, the Hermes IBC relayer, and the Defund Golang relayer (https://github.com/defund-labs/relayer) installed to run in dev.

git clone https://github.com/defund-labs/defund

cd defund

make install

Getting Started in Dev Mode

make init

make create-conn

# Wait for the connection to be acknowledged then
# start the relayer for interquerying
make start-rly


#Coming Soon!

Creating A dETF

The following command is an example on creating a new dETF on Defund via the Defund binary:

# Create a new fund
# defundd tx etf create-fund [symbol] [name] [fund description] [base denom] [broker] [holdings] [rebalance period] [connection-id]
# holdings follow a comma seperated list format like so, denom:percent:poolId,denom:percent:poolId
defundd tx etf create-fund ATOM2 "ATOM Top 2" "The top 2 coins in the cosmos!" uatom gdex uatom:50:1,ibc/68A333688E5B07451F95555F8FE510E43EF9D3D44DF0909964F92081EF9BE5A7:50:2 10 connection-0 --from $KEY_NAME --keyring-backend test --home ./network/data/defund --gas auto

Query dETF

defundd query etf fund ATOM2

All dETF's start at a price of 1 base denom. After the first investment all prices are proportially based on the underlying holdings of that dETF.

Query dETF Current Price

defundd query etf fund-price ATOM2

Query dETF Historical Price

defundd query etf fund-prices ATOM2

Invest In A Fund

The following command is an example on investing in a dETF on Defund via the Defund binary:

#Coming soon!

Uninvest In A Fund

The following command is an example of redeeming an investment in a dETF on Defund via the Defund binary:

#Coming soon!

Planned Roadmap

Stage 1

Specify crypto assets and weights on creation and autorebalance

Stage 2

Add smart contracts allowing for programmatic trading of underlying assets of funds.

Potential Other Additions

  • Superfluid Staking
  • Add the ability to add instructions that power the trading of funds (if this then thats)