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This C code simulates a basic process scheduler using shared memory, semaphores, and signals to manage a queue of processes.
This code provides a simple yet functional YouTube video and playlist downloader with a user-friendly interface, real-time progress tracking, and the ability to cancel downloads.
This code provides a framework for dynamically creating functions using assembly code and parameters passed directly within the code. It contains a function cria_func() that constructs executable machine code based on the provided parameters and then invokes the generated function.
This Python program includes two scripts for fraud detection. The **** script processes data, trains machine learning models (Decision Tree, MLP, Random Forest), and saves the best model. The **** script creates a Flask app that predicts fraud from user input using the pre-trained model, accessible online via Ngrok.
This program is designed to illustrate the process of finding the minimum cost to connect all cities in a graph using Kruskal's algorithm, which is particularly efficient for sparse graphs. The graph is statically defined, and the code demonstrates basic memory management, graph traversal, and union-find techniques in C.
This code is designed to convert UTF-8 encoded characters to Varint format and vice versa, allowing for compression or data handling that utilizes these variable-length encoding schemes. The functions are carefully designed to handle the different byte sizes and bit manipulation required for accurate encoding conversion.
This C program implements a simple graph structure and uses Dijkstra's algorithm to calculate the shortest paths from a starting node to other nodes in the graph. Here's an overview
This code implements Huffman coding for data compression, including both encoding and decoding functionalities. Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm that assigns variable-length binary codes to characters, with more frequent characters receiving shorter codes.
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DaniloCB06's Repositories
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