
pickFlix is a web application designed to assist users in finding movie suggestions based on their mood, occasion, and preferences. The app guides users through a series of interactive questions to provide personalized movie recommendations.

Languages Used

HTML CSS JavaScript

Table of Contents


  • Mood Selection: Start by selecting your current mood - Happy, Neutral, or Sad.
  • Occasion: Choose the occasion for watching the movie - Family, Alone, Date Night, etc.
  • Decade Preference: Slide to select the desired decade range for movie suggestions.
  • Light/Dark Mode Toggle: Switch between light and dark mode for a personalized viewing experience.
  • Movie Recommendations: Receive personalized movie recommendations based on your inputs.
  • About me section: Clicking on about button in the navbar will toggle display Hide/Show an about me section on the bottom of the page.
  • Page reload: Clicking on pickFlix in the navbar will refresh the page.


  1. Mood Selection:

    • Click the "Start" button on the landing page.
    • Choose your current mood: Happy, Neutral, or Sad.
    • Click "Next" to proceed to the next question.
  2. Occasion:

    • Answer the second question related to the occasion.
    • Click "Next" to move to the next question.
  3. Decade Preference:

    • Use the slider to select your preferred decade for movie suggestions.
    • Click "Next" to proceed to the next question.
  4. Movie Recommendations:

    • View personalized movie recommendations on the flip card based on the questions imputs.
    • The flip card shows the back with additional information.
    • Explore the suggested movies and enjoy your movie time!


  • Bootstrap v5.3.2
  • Font Awesome v5.15.3
  • jQuery v3.6.4
  • The Movie Database (TMDb) API
  • Rotten Tomatoes API


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone <repository_url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd pickFlix
  3. Open the index.html file in your preferred web browser.

How to Run

  1. Open the index.html file in a web browser.
  2. Interact with the web app by answering the questions.
  3. Receive personalized movie recommendations on the flip card.


pickFlix Screenshot

Deployed Application

The live version of the application can be accessed here.


The source code is hosted on GitHub. You can find the repository here.


This project was a collaborative effort.

Thank you for your valuable contributions!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.