
Control Rust devices using the chat, and get various server info.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


RustPlus Commander is a small Python app that allows you to control smart devices in the video game Rust using the team chat, as well as query various server info. It is built on top of Rust+.py

How it works

RustPlus Commander connects to the WebSocket on your Rust server, and continously exchanges messages with it.

		participant CMDR as RustPlusCommander
		participant WS as Websocket

		CMDR->>WS: Connect
    WS-->>CMDR: Event
		CMDR->>WS: Send team message
		CMDR->>WS: disconnect


  • Python 3.6+
  • SQLite
  • A Steam account (and of course a copy of Rust)
  • Be part of an active Team

You will need to set these environment variables:

  • RUST_SERVER_IP: hostname or IP address of the target Rust server
  • RUST_SERVER_PORT: Rust+ server port, 28079 by default, you can find it in the FCM notification payload, see below
  • STEAM_ID: your Steam user ID
  • RUST_PLAYER_TOKEN: token used for authenticating you with Rust servers, read below
  • RESP_PREFIX: set custom prefix for messages sent by the commander in chat

How to get your Rust player token: https://github.com/liamcottle/rustplus.js#using-the-command-line-tool


pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py


In the team chat (either in game or in the Rust+ app), type:

!register somelight <entityid>
!turn_on somelight

entityid is a unique ID of every entity on the server. It can easily be found by interacting with one (e.g. hitting it) and checking combatlog using the F1 console. The entities are persisted in a local SQLite DB, which will always be recreated if it is missing.

Full list of commands:

  • !ping pings the Commander, if succesful will respond with a pong
  • !register <name> <entity_id> - registers a device with a human name that has entity ID entity_id, no spaces in names allowed
  • !turn_on <name> - turns on a device with name name
  • !turn_off <name> - turns off a device with name name
  • !list_devices - list all registered devices
  • !players - shows the current number of online players
  • !time - prints the current server time
  • !whoami - get information about yourself