This is a tiny but usefull way to grab the 5 most relevant reviews from Google with cURL and with the use of an API Key
How to get the needed Google Places
API Key:
- use:
- and follow the easy explaned steps
How to find the needed Placec ID:
- use:
- and do a search for the wanted business name
$options = array(
'googlemaps_free_apikey' => '', // Google API Key
'google_maps_review_cid' => 'ChIJHegKoJUfyUwRjMxaCcviZDA', // Google Placec ID
'cache_data_xdays_local' => 30, // every x day the reviews are loaded from google
'your_language_for_tran' => 'en', // give you language for auto translate reviews
'show_not_more_than_max' => 5, // (0-5) only show first x reviews
'show_only_if_with_text' => false, // true = show only reviews that have text
'show_only_if_greater_x' => 0, // (0-4) only show reviews with more than x stars
'sort_reviews_by_a_data' => 'rating', // sort by 'time' or by 'rating' (newest/best first)
'show_cname_as_headline' => true, // true = show customer name as headline
'show_stars_in_headline' => true, // true = show customer stars after name in headline
'show_author_avatar_img' => true, // true = show the author avatar image (rounded)
'show_blank_star_till_5' => true, // false = don't show always 5 stars e.g. ⭐⭐⭐☆☆
'show_txt_of_the_review' => true, // true = show the text of each review
'show_author_of_reviews' => true, // true = show the author of each review
'show_age_of_the_review' => true, // true = show the age of each review
'dateformat_for_the_age' => 'Y.m.d', // see
'show_rule_after_review' => true, // false = don't show <hr> Tag after/before each review
'add_schemaorg_metadata' => true, // add data to loop back your rating to SERP
echo getReviews($options);
HINT: Use .review and .review .avatar in you CSS to style the output