#Dingle Mario#
A remake of the popular dingle pop game ... Mario Style!
Pull the respository and run DingleMarioGame.java as an applet!
###Lead Developer: Daniyal Khan### ###Lead Designer: Ryan Nhieu### ###Start Date: April 2010### ###Completion Date: June 14 2010###
- Move luigi using left/right arrow keys
- Choose an option with luigi using B button
- Move mario using up/down arrow keys
- Choose an option with mario using A button
- Tilt barrel with arrow right/left arrow
- Fire with up key
- Press 1 through 5 to use that item if u have it
- Fire within 7 seconds, or it will auto fire for you!
- Press enter for all options i.e. select difficulty and to replay or not
- Music (2 kinds)
- An intro for the game (press 's' to increase/decrease speed)
- Highscores
- Whole instruction/controls pages
- The moving background/ overall menu system
- Animated sprites
- Option to view high score
- Select your difficulty level
- Levels get more difficult
- harder levels have different colour balls
- each difficulty level has a different background
- as user destroys more balls, the background becomes uncovered (easter egg)
- each difficulty level has a different item spawn rate (insane = 10%, hard = 15%, medium = 20%, easy = 25%)
- Combo system earns more points as difficulty increases and more balls break in a chain
- each map has different layout
- each map is harder to win
- Pausing implemented (press enter in game)
- Autoshoot function implemented (if u do not fire within 7 seconds, ball will automatically shoot)
- a bombomb animation will flash and explode if teemr runs out
- pausing works with timer, ie. the timer stops when paused
- The balls will pop all balls around it, called a chain pop.
- Win/death implemented into game
- Records amount of turns, and outputs it as a sprite
- Score implemented, outputs as a sprite
- score is not linear, a whole algorithm as has been defined that calculates score based on combo, difficulty, and number of balls on the field
- A random generator function has been added
- random generator is "smart" i.e. it will only give the balls u need once u have 10 or less balls
- 3 different items have been implemented
- mario does an animation when u get an item
- To the right of the score, the word "good," "great," and "excellent" will appear as u combo more balls
- Win/lose/highscore screen all have different interactive screen
- Option to play again
- if not system will exit
- GUI implemented in high score screen to get name of winner
- High score records and writes to a file
- Unique high score method implemented that records final score and number of turns it took to win
- Ball bounces off balls
- Shows current ball in barrel and next ball in barrel
- Randomly generate balls