
cell state label is mandatory ?

martina811 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I would like to use BayesPrism on rnaseq data, is it mandatory to have also a file which specify the cell state label of my single cell data? Or can it work with just the cell type label ?

many thanks

Hi @tinyi , I want to estimate and compare the fraction of Tcell_sub1, Tcell_sub2 and Tcell_sub3 in different RNA-seq data. Is it reasonable to set Endothelial, Fibroblats, Epi, Myeloids, Tcell_sub1, Tcell_sub2 and Tcell_sub3 as cell type label and set Endothelial_sub1, Endothelial_sub2, Fibroblats_sub1, Fibroblats_sub2, Epi_sub1, Epi_sub2, Myeloids_sub1, Myeloids_sub2, Tcell_sub1, Tcell_sub2 and Tcell_sub3 as cell state label? Or do you have any other suggestion? Thanks.