
Final Theta of cell state

Opened this issue · 3 comments


can we output the final theta for the cell state?

If not, is it better to use first theta for the cell state or run the Bayesprism again with cell state as cell type?

Best ragards.

jnhv commented

Hi, Tinyi. Thank you for your excellent work and timely replies. I've searched and checked some issues that might answer my question, but they didn't resolve it. I need your help. @tinyi

Similar to Roy's question, if I want to calculate the proportion of every cell state, rather than cell type, for example, the type is "tumor" and the states are "tumor1", "tumor2", "tumor3", ..., should I run BayesPrism with cell state as cell type? In this situation, could I set the cell.state.labels as NULL?

Best regards,