
A repository of my 2020 Advent of Code solutions in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Advent of Code 2020

A repository of my Advent of Code 2020 solutions written in Python.

What is Advent of Code?

Advent of Code is a yearly coding challenge created by Eric Wastl. Every day, from Dec 1st to Dec 25th, a coding challenge is released and developes from all over the world can try to solve it with which programming language they prefer the most. This is the first year I tried to solve them.

Here are my results!

Final score: 50/50 🌟

Day Part One Part Two
Day 1: Report Repair 🌟 🌟
Day 2: Password Philosophy 🌟 🌟
Day 3: Toboggan Trajectory 🌟 🌟
Day 4: Passport Processing 🌟 🌟
Day 5: Binary Boarding 🌟 🌟
Day 6: Custom Customs 🌟 🌟
Day 7: Handy Haversacks 🌟 🌟
Day 8: Handheld Halting 🌟 🌟
Day 9: Encoding Error 🌟 🌟
Day 10: Adapter Array 🌟 🌟
Day 11: Seating System 🌟 🌟
Day 12: Rain Risk 🌟 🌟
Day 13: Shuttle Search 🌟 🌟
Day 14: Docking Data 🌟 🌟
Day 15: Rambunctious Recitation 🌟 🌟
Day 16: Ticket Translation 🌟 🌟
Day 17: Conway Cubes 🌟 🌟
Day 18: Operation Order 🌟 🌟
Day 19: Monster Messages 🌟 🌟
Day 20: Jurassic Jigsaw 🌟 🌟
Day 21: Allergen Assessment 🌟 🌟
Day 22: Crab Combat 🌟 🌟
Day 23: Crab Cups 🌟 🌟
Day 24: Lobby Layout 🌟 🌟
Day 25: Combo Breaker 🌟 🌟