
Configurable power menu mode for Rofi and dmenu

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Rofi Power Menu Mode

Rofi Power Menu provides a mode for offering basic power menu operations such as shutting down, logging out, rebooting and suspending. By default, it shows all choices and asks for confirmation for irreversible actions. The choices, their order and whether they require confirmation, can be all configured with command-line options. It also shows symbols by default, but this requires a monospace font with good support for symbols, so it can be disabled with --no-symbols.

In contrast to other similar solutions I've found, the power menu is implemented as a rofi mode, not as a stand-alone executable that launches rofi by itself. This makes it possible to combine the script with the full power of how rofi can use modi. For instance, you can have multiple modi available (-modi) or combine multiple modi in one mode (-combi-modi), pass your own themes (-theme) and configurations as CLI flags (e.g., -fullscreen, -sidebar-mode, -matching fuzzy, -location).

There's also a stand-alone script which uses dmenu (or rofi in dmenu mode). It's also a bit easier to use as you don't need to type the small amount of rofi "boilerplate".

Just to give an example, the screenshot below shows Rofi Power Menu launched as:

rofi -show p -modi p:rofi-power-menu \
  -theme Paper \
  -font "JetBrains Mono NF 16" \
  -width 20 \
  -lines 6

Screenshot of Rofi Power Menu


You can use the script directly from this directory without needing to install it at all. If you want rofi to find it more easily, the script needs to be found in PATH. If you have ~/.local/bin in PATH, you can just copy the script there:

cp rofi-power-menu ~/.local/bin/


A simple example showing how to launch the power menu:

rofi -show power-menu -modi power-menu:rofi-power-menu

If you didn't install the script in PATH, you need to give the path to the script. If you're running rofi under this directory where the script is, you can run it as follows:

rofi -show power-menu -modi power-menu:./rofi-power-menu


rofi-power-menu - a power menu mode for Rofi

Usage: rofi-power-menu [--choices CHOICES] [--confirm CHOICES]
                       [--choose CHOICE] [--dry-run] [--symbols|--no-symbols]

Use with Rofi in script mode. For instance, to ask for shutdown or reboot:

  rofi -show menu -modi "menu:rofi-power-menu --choices=shutdown/reboot"

Available options:
  --dry-run          Don't perform the selected action but print it to stderr.
  --choices CHOICES  Show only the selected choices in the given order. Use /
                     as the separator. Available choices are lockscreen, logout,
                     suspend, hibernate, reboot and shutdown. By default, all
                     available choices are shown.
  --confirm CHOICES  Require confirmation for the gives choices only. Use / as
                     the separator. Available choices are lockscreen, logout,
                     suspend, hibernate, reboot and shutdown. By default, only
                     irreversible actions logout, reboot and shutdown require
  --choose CHOICE    Preselect the given choice and only ask for a confirmation
                     (if confirmation is set to be requested). It is strongly
                     recommended to combine this option with --confirm=CHOICE
                     if the choice wouldn't require confirmation by default.
                     Available choices are lockscreen, logout, suspend,
                     hibernate, reboot and shutdown.
  --[no-]symbols     Show Unicode symbols or not. Requires a font with support
                     for the symbols. Use, for instance, fonts from the
                     Nerdfonts collection. By default, they are shown
  -h,--help          Show this help text.


By default, the menu shows all available choices in a particular order. You can control the shown choices and their order by using --choices and listing the desired choices with / as the separator. Available choices are:

  • lockscreen: Lock screen
  • logout: Log out (confirmation asked by default)
  • suspend: Suspend
  • hibernate: Hibernate
  • reboot: Reboot (confirmation asked by default)
  • shutdown: Shutdown (confirmation asked by default)

For instance, to show only shutdown and reboot choices:

rofi -show power-menu -modi "power-menu:./rofi-power-menu --choices=shutdown/reboot"

Or if you want a typical session menu:

rofi -show session-menu -modi "session-menu:./rofi-power-menu --choices=logout/lockscreen"


By default, confirmation is asked for irreversible actions logout, reboot and shutdown. You can choose for which actions you want confirmation (if any) by listing them with --confirm option. For instance, confirmation can be asked only for reboot and shutdown:

rofi -show power-menu -modi "power-menu:./rofi-power-menu --confirm=reboot/shutdown"

If you don't want confirmations for any actions, just give an empty string:

rofi -show power-menu -modi "power-menu:./rofi-power-menu --confirm=''"


To open just a confirmation dialog for some fixed choice, you can use --choose=CHOICE, where CHOICE can again be one of the choices listed above. You should also require confirmation for that choice if that isn't done by default. For instance, a simple logout confirmation:

rofi -show logout -modi "logout:./rofi-power-menu --choose=logout"

For some choices (e.g., hibernate), confirmation isn't asked by default, so you probably want to ask that in this case:

rofi -show hibernate -modi "hibernate:./rofi-power-menu --choose=hibernate --confirm=hibernate"

If confirmation isn't asked, the action is performed immediately. Although, that's probably not useful, it is possible. However, note that Rofi will still pop up a menu with no options available. It would be nice if Rofi would not appear at all if it wasn't given any choices. This works when running the accompanied stand-alone script dmenu-power-menu.


Disable or enable Unicode symbols/icons/glyphs. They are enabled by default. In order for them to show up correctly, you need a font that supports the used glyphs. It is recommended to use fonts from the Nerdfonts collection. In addition, it is recommended to use a monospace font, otherwise the symbols widths might be messed up. So, for instance, "Iosevka Nerd Font Mono" or "JetBrainsMono NF" are good options.


For debugging and development purposes, you can pass --dry-run flag. Then, the selected action isn't performed but only printed to stderr.


There's a stand-alone script dmenu-power-menu that can be used to run the power menu with dmenu (or rofi in dmenu mode if dmenu isn't found). That script takes the same command-line arguments as listed above for the main script rofi-power-menu. The stand-alone script might be easier to use but you cannot pass arguments to dmenu/rofi so their configuration is hardcoded. Also, you need to install rofi-script-to-dmenu.


Copyright (c) 2020 Jaakko Luttinen

MIT License