
Git repo to create kubernetes pod to run machine agent.

Primary LanguageShell


Git repo to create kubernetes pod to run machine agent.

Download the AppDynamics Standalone machine agent (no JRE) and unzip to storage.

The yaml file (appdmachineagent.yaml) mounts /Users/mark.jeffery/Documents/kubernetes/MachineAgent as /appd_machine_agent

This entry should be changed to reflect the location used.

Installing the AppDynamics Docker Extension

The AppDynamics Docker extension can be downloaded here, and should be extracted into the /monitors directory, and configured normally.

When configuring the AppDynamics Docker extension, enter

    - baseUrl: http://$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST:2375
      name: Server1

The start_machine_agent.sh script will modify the file, substituting the hostname for the value of the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST environment variable.

This means that this mount point can't be shared amongst multiple Docker hosts.

Edit conf/controller_info.xml to define the location of your AppDynamics controller


*if there is more than 1 appdynamics machine agent in a node, then the script will not work, as it returns each pod name. The script should be fixed so that it only shows the nodename for this pod.