Build a RESTful API for an app allowing uers to sign in and send text messages to an individual or group of individuals informing them of their location.
MonogDB/Mongoose | Express | Twilio API
- Clone the repo
- You will need a Twilio API Key
- Create a .env file based on the .env-example file
- Use a tool like Postman to send requests
Sign-UP Route Method: POST
Example Post
"username": "name",
"email": "your email",
"phone": 19712221234,
"password": "password",
"location": 45.523417, -122.680926
Route Method: POST
"username": "name",
"password": "password"
Send a text. Method: POST
"from": 19715551234,
"to": 19712221234,
"body": 'the name of your location'
Send a text to a group. Method: POST
"from": 19715551234
"to": [ 15032341212, 19712221234 ],
"body": "The bar",
Test Driven Development, Mob Programming
Danny Suarez | Vasily Markov | Wes Griffin
This project has not been updated since its inception. Therefore there is a potential for bugs.
Original group repo at