You can find me at Linkedin
Getting double letters to work properly with Wordles rules was my first real journey on going down a coding rabbit hole I struggled to get out of.
I learnt a lot about the value of preparing in advance, using pen and (gasp) paper to write out various ideas, and then test all of the outcomes on paper before putting them into practice.
It took quite a few hours and too many lines of code to figure it out, but once I had it written down I was able to attack it much more effectively. It was a painful yet useful learning experience in being a dev.
You can make guesses by either using your keyboard or clicking the letters in the 'unused'/'used' sections of the page
- Enter or the 'submit' button will allow you to submit
I learnt about localStorage and implemented some variables which persist through leaving the page etc to store your wins and streaks of wins
I played around a lot with transitions & animations to get a 'vibe'. It did result in a lot of movement on page so apologies for any nausea!
2 time limit options: I personally got pretty good at Wordle when making this (from never playing before), so find time limits to be a great challenge
- For me, the 90s round is great, but for Wordle fiends there is a 30 'lightning round'
You'll see some creative use of the used and unused letters in your guesses, was trying to keep it a bit fresh :)
You can refresh the page for a new Wordle each time
- Mobile mode
- Better responses for unrecognised words (currently an alert)
- Type your own Wordle in and share with friends to guess
- Dark/light mode
- Sharing results
- Duo & quad Wordle - guess 2 or 4 words at once
- Make a localStorage object to do things like:
- Track lowest guess counter, player name from input, number of guess history, past Wordles guessed etc
Wordle is a fairly simple and fun game
When you load/refresh the page there will be a new 'Wordle'
A Wordle is a hidden 5 letter word you need to find through calculated guesses
- You have to guess the Wordle in six goes or less
- Every word you enter must be in a valid word list
- A correct letter turns green
- A correct letter in the wrong place turns yellow
- An incorrect letter turns gray
- Letters can be used more than once
//If no wincounter in local storage, create set one and set to '0'
if (!(localStorage.getItem('winCounter'))) {
localStorage.setItem('winCounter', 0);
savedScore = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('winCounter'))
//Otherwise - grab the current winCounter and set to 'savedScore' variable
} else {
savedScore = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('winCounter'))
//Similar logic for 'winStreak'
if (!(localStorage.getItem('winStreak'))) {
localStorage.setItem('winStreak', 0);
savedStreak = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('winStreak'))
} else {
console.log('storage variable for winStreak found - assigning to savedStreak var next:')
savedStreak = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('winStreak'))
//Append the win counter to the DOM
let showWinCounter = document.getElementById('win-counter')
showWinCounter.innerText = `Your lifetime score = ${savedScore}`
//Lose Game:
//Reset Saved Streak
savedStreak = 0
//Save this back to the localStorage
localStorage.setItem('winStreak', savedStreak)
//Win Game:
//Add 1 to the localstorage variable
//Save this back to the localStorage
localStorage.setItem('winCounter', savedScore)
showWinCounter.innerText = `Your lifetime score = ${savedScore}`
//Add 1 to the localstorage winstreak variable
//Save this back to the localStorage
localStorage.setItem('winStreak', savedStreak)
function timedMode() {
//Remove other speed modes to stop potential problems
speedButton.removeEventListener('click', speedMode)
timedButton.removeEventListener('click', timedMode)
//Give a count, at every second change the innerText & styling
let count = 90000
countDownTimer = setInterval(function () {
count = count - 1000
// console.log(count)
// console.log(`${count / 1000} seconds left`)
timedButton.textContent = `${count / 1000} seconds left`;
if (count / 1000 >= 60) { = 'green' = '550'
} else if (count / 1000 <= 59 && count / 1000 >= 30) { = 'yellow' = '700' = '11pt'
} else if (count / 1000 <= 29 && count / 1000 >= 0) { = 'red' = '12pt' = '1000' = 'white'
}, 1000)
countDown = setTimeout(lostTimed, 90000)
//set win condition
if (rowCounter == 8) {
//Timer over function
function lostTimed() {
//This was my 3rd attempt at fixing duplicate letters (previous attempts in past commits)
//Wrote every single step and multiple possible wordles/guess down
//This helped a lot - will plan more in future
//Create a duplicate array of the current Wordle
wordleLeft = todaysWordleArr.slice()
//Create a duplicate array of the current input
guessLeft = inputArr.slice()
//loop through each letter in the wordle array
for (letter in todaysWordleArr) {
//set a dynamic variable for the elevant div
let idVar = `letter${rowCounter}${letter}`
//if the input and wordle letter match at this point - make the div green
//remove both input and wordle letter from the cloned arrays so they are not used in following loop
if (todaysWordleArr[letter] === inputArr[letter]){
let thisDiv = document.getElementById(idVar)
wordleLeft[letter] = ''
guessLeft[letter] = ''
//Second loop - loop through all the letters LEFT in the guess clone array
//If the Wordle array contains the current letter in input
//Then make the relevant div Yellow and remove from guess clone
//Then find where the relevant letter appears in the wordle arr clone and also remove so it isn't re checked in following loops
for (letter in guessLeft) {
let idVar = `letter${rowCounter}${letter}`
if ((wordleLeft.includes(guessLeft[letter])) && (guessLeft[letter] != '')) {
let thisDiv = document.getElementById(idVar)
let wordleLeftMatch = wordleLeft.indexOf(guessLeft[letter])
wordleLeft[wordleLeftMatch] = ''
guessLeft[letter] = ''
else if (!(wordleLeft.includes(guessLeft[letter])) && (guessLeft[letter] != '')) {
let thisDiv = document.getElementById(idVar)
guessLeft[letter] = ''
I wanted to be flexible and allow the user to guess/submit with either the keyboard or on screen buttons
//put event listener on body for inputs
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', checkInput)
//I decided to use an input 'object' instead of 1 array, lets me do more things with it in future
function checkInput(e) {
arrName = `newArr${rowCounter}`;
let keypress = e.code
//initialise currentLetter outside loop
let currentLetter
//Make sure input is an alphabetic keypress (I dug into properties of console logged 'e' to understand) - capitalise it and push to current input array if room available
if (keypress.includes('Key')) {
let currentLetter = capitaliseThis(e.key)
if (inputObj[arrName].length <= 4) {
} else if (inputObj[arrName].length == 5) {
//if backspace is used remove a letter
else if (keypress.includes('Backspace')) {
//send inputs to be displayed
//This fn displays letters in the main page as it receives them
function updateDivs(letter) {
//Use the global row counter to find everything in the relevant row
let letterRow = document.querySelectorAll(`#row${rowCounter} .oneletter`)
let currentLoop = 0
//Loop through and fill out divs if there is something in the current array element - else remove (backspace etc)
for (oneLetter of letterRow) {
if (letter[currentLoop]) {
letterRow[currentLoop].innerHTML = letter[currentLoop]
else if (!(letter[currentLoop])) {
letterRow[currentLoop].innerHTML = ''
//Allow submission via the 'enter' key
//Set event listener specifically for 'enter' key to run submission code
document.body.addEventListener('keyup', checkForSubmit)
//Before submission code - run through valid words array to check it's a real word
function checkForSubmit(e) {
if (e.code.includes('Enter')) {
//fn to check that the submitted word is in the validWords array
//first to turn the input array into a string - then to run both against eachother
function checkValidWords(submittedArray) {
const joinedGuessArray = submittedArray.join('')
if (validWords.includes(joinedGuessArray.toUpperCase())) {
} else {
alert('Thats not a recognised word - try again')
//After confirming valid word in input - submit fn is run
I used a number of effects but many of them were a variation of this box shadow animation, as well as lots of 'transition-property: all'
.oneletter {
transition-property: all;
transition-duration: 2s;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
animation-duration: 6s;
animation-name: pulse;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
animation-direction: alternate;
@keyframes pulse {
from {
box-shadow: -8px 8px 8px #ffffff82;
to {
box-shadow: 8px 8px 14px #ffffffdb;
Then to allow these to take place of the 'keyboard' I added an event listener to run the checkinput fns
This is very similar to the 'used letters' functions - but they will 'show' instead of 'hide' on submit
//create 'floating' letters that are used/unused
const unusedLettersDiv = document.getElementById('unused-letters')
const usedLettersDiv = document.getElementById('used-letters')
//NOTE: Cool alphabet array creator taken from
const alpha = Array.from(Array(26)).map((e, i) => i + 65);
const alphabet = => String.fromCharCode(x));
//using above function - generate the letter lists
function generateUnusedLetters(array) {
for (let letter of array) {
let newLetterDiv = document.createElement('div') = `unused${letter}`
newLetterDiv.innerText = letter;
newLetterDiv.addEventListener('click', function () {
//Set up ability to use them as a 'clickable keyboard'
function inputClickedUnusedLetter(letter) {
arrName = `newArr${rowCounter}`;
if (inputObj[arrName].length <= 4) {
} else if (inputObj[arrName].length == 5) {
console.log('too many letters')
//On submission - remove letters from left side
function hideUnusedLetters() {
let allUnusedLetterDivs = document.querySelectorAll('.unused-letter-class')
let allTypedLetters = document.querySelectorAll('.green, .grey, .yellow')
for (let oneUnusedLetterDiv of allUnusedLetterDivs) {
for (let oneTypedLetter of allTypedLetters) {
if (oneTypedLetter.innerText == oneUnusedLetterDiv.innerText) {
- Possible performance issues - on load you can see the end screens before they fade to no visibility
- You can start timed mode after starting Wordle fill out
- Need to create a reset fn without refreshing page - call new Wordle, clear all inputs etc