
Simple Library for micropython for control nextion displays over serial.

Primary LanguagePython

micropython nextion library

This library could help you control you nextion-display over UART.

How to use

First, define an object with the class nextion(tx_pin, rx_pin, baudrate) This could look like this now:

from nextion import nextion
display = nextion(13, 12, 9600) 

Now you can control the device with different commands.


  • nextion.WRITE_ONLY
  • nextion.READ_AND_WRITE
  • nextion.DECODE
  • nextion.RAW



You can send a command over serial to the device using display.cmd(command[ , flags=nextion.READ_AND_WRITE])`

  • command: Required. The command to send to the device
  • flags: Optional. You can insert nextion.WRITE_ONLY, when you don't want to read the reply from UART. By default, the function is waiting 100 ms and then, the function returns the reply. Default is nextion.READ_AND_WRITE.


To enter or exit sleep mode of the nextion device, use the command display.sleep(state)

  • state: Required. Set the parameter to 1 for enter sleep mode. Set the parameter to 0 for exit sleep mode.


To load a page on the nextion device, use the command display.page(pageid)

  • pageid: Required. ID of the page or name of the page.


You can reset the device using the command display.reset()


To set the display brightness use the command display.brightness(brightness)

  • brightness: Required. Brightness to set in percent


You can read bytes from serial with the command display.read([flags=nextion.RAW])

  • flags: Optional. You can set the flags parameter to nextion.DECODE, if you want the function to decode the output of the displays. If you don't want to have the data ASCII encoded, you can insert nextion.RAW. Default is nextion.RAW.

Note that this returns None if nothing is there to be read.