
This work evaluates the Treap data structure in comparison with a Binary Search Tree (BST) and an AVL tree. We measure the time (in milisseconds) spent for each batch of $10^{5}$ operations. We generate $10^{7}$ random nodes to insert, search, and remove from the trees. Our experiment consists of:

  • Batchs of inserting $10^{5}$ nodes and then searching the same $10^{5}$ nodes in equal order, until all $10^{7}$ nodes are inserted;
  • Batchs of searching $10^{5}$ nodes, until all $10^{7}$ nodes are searched
  • Batchs of inserting $10^{5}$ nodes and then searching the same $10^{5}$ nodes in equal order, until all $10^{7}$ nodes are removed.

Running the experiment

Compile main.c and execute its binary. The results will be saved in results.csv. Then, run plot_results.py to generate plots inside plots/ folder.