
Create a repo for my customer manager app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Customer Manager

This is an Angular JS project for Customer Management.

To have the project running on the browser, the following requirements must be met:

1. Change to the directory containing your static web files (e.g. html, javascript, css etc) in the command line window, e.g:

>>npm install -g http-server
>>cd \Projects\Customer_Manager

2. Start the server with this command:


3. The results of this should be as follows:

	Starting up http-server, serving ./
	Available on:
	Hit CTRL-C to stop the server

4. Browse to your local website with a browser. Open the browser and go to the address http://localhost:8080. This should display the project's index page. 

Major Functionalities Incllude:

Customer Management
	I. Create a customer 

	II. Update a customer 

	III. Delete a customer 

	IV. View customers as a list 

	V. Filter/Search customers by name (This is where you would need a custom filter) 

Order Management
	I. Create an order belonging to a customer 

	II. View the orders belonging to a customer 

	III. Count the number of orders belonging to a customer 

	I. Login a user using JWT 
	II. Logout a user using JWT