These projects are made for POSIX and implement the following:
-Listing directory contents.
-Identifying and parsing section files.
-Working with sections.
-Sections filtering.
-Create a Process Hierarchy.
-Synchronizing threads from the same process.
-Create a Threads Barrier.
-Synchronizing threads from different processes.
-Pipe Based Connection.
-Ping Request.
-Request to Create a SHM: Shared Memory Region.
-Write to Shared Memory Request.
-Memory-Map File Request.
-Read From File Offset Request.
-Read From File Section Request.
-Read From Logical Memory Space Offset Request.
- You can find each project's description(Chapter 1) and requirements(Chapter 2) in the .pdf file attached to it.
- You may take a quick look over the code written in the .c files.
In order to manually test any project you need to:
1) Download the .rar file and extract it;
2) Open a new terminal in that directory and write:
2.1)"gcc -Wall a1.c -o a1" for 1st.
2.2)"gcc -Wall a2.c a2_helper.c -o a2 -lpthread" for 2nd.
2.3)"gcc -Wall a3.c -o a3" for 3rd.
3) Run "python" to test it.
4) If you want more details while testing, open and change verbose to true before step3.
Each project was tested with a similar python file. Below I have attached the results of those passed tests.