
A (really) basic Go example of a HTTP API server using a MS SQL backend. 🛰

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Just a noob fumbling around in go. Learning the ropes of the go language and creating a small web API for communicating with MS-SQL (a "go-between" as such).


I hadn't intended this for public use, rather just storing it here for personal reference. If you find it useful, or can learn from it in any way (just as I am), drop me a tweet - @Danw33 to let me know!

Run from source

To run go-between directly from source, use the following command:

go run ./src/go-between.go [flags]

(where [flags] is a sequence of arguments to configure the application)

Build and run

To compile go-between from source to an executable binary, then run it, use the following commands:

go build ./src/go-between.go
chmod +X ./go-between
./go-between [flags]

(where [flags] is a sequence of arguments to configure the application)

By default, the go compiler will include a symbol table. To build without this the following can be used:

go build -ldflags "-s -w" ./src/go-between.go

While this produces a smaller output binary, crashes would yield no real usable stack trace information.


The go-between application can take a number of runtime arguments (flags) to configure various aspects of the program.

Usage of ./go-between:
  -dbDriver string
    	Database Driver (mssql/sqlserver) (default "mssql")
  -dbHostname string
    	Database Server Hostname or IP Address
  -dbInstance string
    	Database Instance (optional)
  -dbPassword string
    	 Database Password
  -dbPort int
    	Database Server Port (default 1433)
  -dbSchema string
    	Database Schema Name
  -dbUser string
    	Database Username
    	Enable debug logging
  -listenAddress string
    	HTTP API Listen Address (default "")
  -listenPort int
    	HTTP API Listen Port (default 8080)

Debugging can be enabled by passing the flag -debug when launching go-between; this enables additional console log output which may be useful when troubleshooting.

Useful Links


You've read this far so something must be of use to you! Go ahead - take what you need (MIT License).

See LICENSE.md for full terms of use.