
Keepcoding FullStack Mobile Apps Bootcamp XVI Edition Swift Exam

Primary LanguageSwift

Keepcoding FullStack Mobile Apps Bootcamp XVI Edition: Swift Exam


Hotel Luchadores Reservation Management


  • Model the structs: Client, Reservation, and ReservationError.

    • Client: name, age, height (cm).
    • Reservation: unique ID, hotel name, list of clients, duration (days), price, breakfast option (true/false).
    • ReservationError: An enum that implements Error with three possible errors (cases): duplicate reservation ID found, reservation found for a client, and reservation not found.
  • Manage the reservations with the class HotelReservationManager.

    • Create a list to store reservations.
    • Create a method to add a reservation. Add a reservation with the following parameters: list of clients, duration, breakfast option. Assign a unique ID (you can use a counter, for example), calculate the price, and add the hotel name.
    • Verify that the reservation is unique by ID and client before adding it to the list. If it's not valid, throw or return the corresponding ReservationError. There should not be another reservation with the same ID, and no client should have a matching reservation.
    • The price calculation is as follows: number of clients * base price per client (e.g., 20 euros) * days in the hotel * 1.25 if they have breakfast or 1 if they don't. Example: 3 (clients) * 20 euros (base price)
    • 2 (days in hotel) * 1.25 (because they have breakfast) = 3 * 20 * 2 * 1.25 = 150.
    • Add the reservation to the list of reservations.
    • Return the reservation.
  • Create a method to cancel a reservation. Cancel the reservation given its ID and throw a ReservationError if it doesn't exist. To cancel a reservation, simply remove it from the list of reservations based on its ID.

  • Create a method (or read-only property) to get a list of all current reservations.

Unit Tests

To test your own code, create the following functions and execute them in the Playground:

  • testAddReservation: Verify errors when adding duplicate reservations (by ID or if another client is already in another reservation) and ensure that new reservations are added correctly.
  • testCancelReservation: Verify that reservations are canceled correctly (removed from the list) and that canceling a non-existent reservation results in an error.
  • testReservationPrice: Ensure that the system calculates prices consistently. For example, if you make two reservations with the same parameters except for the names of the clients, they should give you the same price.