Food Guide on Rails

My project is a food website that has a list of Resturants where users can sign up to submit reviews about the listed resturant and add images of the food they enjoyed in the resturnat.


The app suppots the following functionality:

  • User can add, edit and delete a review.
  • User can add and delete and image.
  • User can view all reviews of chosen user.
  • Admin can delete any review or image by other users.



  • Bootstrap for styling
  • Kaminari for pagination
  • Faker to generate fake data for seeding
  • Active Stograge to upload images
  • aws-sdk to store files on Amazon S3.

New Technologies

  • using amazon buckets to save images after herkou deployment
  • using seed to populate my Resturant data base with Faker gem
  • Using active storage to upload images

Challenges faced

The most challenging and rewarding part were two requirements :

  • integrationg the reviews in the resturant show pages.
  • trying to secure Amazon credentials so it will be more secure to push my code to github safely

Favorite parts

Definetly the using amazon buckets then building the relations

Amazon code

  service: S3
  access_key_id: <%= ENV['S3_KEY'] %>
  secret_access_key: <%= ENV['S3_SECRET'] %>
  region: <%= ENV['S3_REGION'] %>
  bucket: resturant-images

What to add next ?

Resturant reservation services and user profiles.


The below is a screen-shot of what I think is the most beautiful webpage in my site

Image of Yaktocat


The most helpful links in my application are listed below: