
YooMoney API Python library

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

API Yoomoney - unofficial python library

This is an unofficial YooMoney API python library.



This repository is based on the official documentation of YooMoney.


Implemented methods:

  • Access token - Getting an access token
  • Account information - Getting information about the status of the user account.
  • Operation history - This method allows viewing the full or partial history of operations in page mode. History records are displayed in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest).
  • Operation details - Provides detailed information about a particular operation from the history.
  • Quickpay forms - The YooMoney form is a set of fields with information about a transfer. You can embed payment form into your interface (for instance, a website or blog). When the sender pushes the button, the details from the form are sent to YooMoney and an order for a transfer to your wallet is initiated.


You can install with:

pip install yoomoney --upgrade

You can install from source with:

git clone https://github.com/AlekseyKorshuk/yoomoney-api --recursive
cd yoomoney-api
python setup.py install

Quick start

Access token

First of all we need to receive an access token.


  1. Log in to your YooMoney wallet with your username. If you do not have a wallet, create it.
  2. Go to the App registration page.
  3. Set the application parameters. Save CLIENT_ID and YOUR_REDIRECT_URI for net steps
  4. Click the Confirm button.
  5. Paste CLIENT_ID and REDIRECT_URI insted of YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_REDIRECT_URI. Choose scopes and run code.
  6. Follow all steps from the program.
from yoomoney import Authorize


You are done with the most difficult part!

Account information

Paste YOUR_TOKEN and run this code:

from yoomoney import Client

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"

client = Client(token)

user = client.account_info()

print("Account number:", user.account)
print("Account balance:", user.balance)
print("Account currency code in ISO 4217 format:", user.currency)
print("Account status:", user.account_status)
print("Account type:", user.account_type)

print("Extended balance information:")
for pair in vars(user.balance_details):
    print("\t-->", pair, ":", vars(user.balance_details).get(pair))

print("Information about linked bank cards:")
cards = user.cards_linked

if len(cards) != 0:
    for card in cards:
        print(card.pan_fragment, " - ", card.type)
    print("No card is linked to the account")


Account number: 410019014512803
Account balance: 999999999999.99
Account currency code in ISO 4217 format: 643
Account status: identified
Account type: personal
Extended balance information:
   --> total : 999999999999.99
   --> available : 999999999999.99
   --> deposition_pending : None
   --> blocked : None
   --> debt : None
   --> hold : None
Information about linked bank cards:
No card is linked to the account

Operation history

Paste YOUR_TOKEN and run this code:

from yoomoney import Client

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"

client = Client(token)

history = client.operation_history()

print("List of operations:")
print("Next page starts with: ", history.next_record)

for operation in history.operations:
    print("\tStatus     -->", operation.status)
    print("\tDatetime   -->", operation.datetime)
    print("\tTitle      -->", operation.title)
    print("\tPattern id -->", operation.pattern_id)
    print("\tDirection  -->", operation.direction)
    print("\tAmount     -->", operation.amount)
    print("\tLabel      -->", operation.label)
    print("\tType       -->", operation.type)


List of operations:
Next page starts with:  None

Operation: 670278348725002105
  Status     --> success
  Datetime   --> 2021-10-10 10:10:10
  Title      --> Пополнение с карты ****4487
  Pattern id --> None
  Direction  --> in
  Amount     --> 100500.0
  Label      --> 3784030974
  Type       --> deposition

Operation: 670244335488002313
  Status     --> success
  Datetime   --> 2021-10-10 10:10:10
  Title      --> Перевод от 410019014512803
  Pattern id --> p2p
  Direction  --> in
  Amount     --> 100500.0
  Label      --> 7920963969
  Type       --> incoming-transfer

Operation details

Paste YOUR_TOKEN with an OPERATION_ID (example: 670244335488002312) from previous example output and run this code:

from yoomoney import Client

token = "YOUR_TOKEN"

client = Client(token)

details = client.operation_details(operation_id="OPERATION_ID")

properties = [i for i in details.__dict__.keys() if i[:1] != '_']

max_size = len(max(properties, key=len))

for prop in properties:
    print(prop, " " * (max_size - len(prop)), "-->", str(details.__getattribute__(prop)).replace('\n', ' '))


operation_id     --> 670244335488002312
status           --> success
pattern_id       --> p2p
direction        --> in
amount           --> 100500.0
amount_due       --> None
fee              --> None
datetime         --> 2021-10-10 10:10:10
title            --> Перевод от 410019014512803
sender           --> 410019014512803
recipient        --> None
recipient_type   --> None
message          --> Justtext
comment          --> None
codepro          --> False
protection_code  --> None
expires          --> None
answer_datetime  --> None
label            --> 7920963969
details          --> Justtext
type             --> incoming-transfer
digital_goods    --> None

Quickpay forms

Run this code:

from yoomoney import Quickpay

quickpay = Quickpay(
            targets="Sponsor this project",


