Library Management System API


  • Permissions managed roles for user, librarian, admin
  • Ability to view all books and filter by name
  • Can initiate issue request for books by users
  • Can handle requests for books by librarians
  • Can initiate new book request by users
  • Can handle new book requests by librarians
  • Automated email reminders for return book
  • Manually send email reminders to return book initiated by librarian
  • Automated email notification if new book request inititiated and on status change
  • Proper validation checks to ensure no more than 3 books are issued to user

API Reference

The api contains the following main URLs:




The following routes are provided:


Create User

  POST /user/create
Parameter Type Description
user UserProfile Required. The UserProfile object

Returns the profile of all users if logged in user is a Librarian or just the logged in users profile if the current user is a User

  GET /user/profile/

Manage, except create, the profile of user with id

  GET, PUT, PATCH /user/profile/{id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of user to manage


Return the list of books available at the library

  GET /books/list/?name={name}
Parameter Type Description
name string Optional. Name to filter the books with

Manage books. Only available to Librarians.

  GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE /books/list/{id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of book to manage


Return the list of all requests made at the library. If current role is user, only returns the list of requests made by the user.

  GET /books/requests/

Manage requests. Only available to Librarians.

  GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE /books/requests/{id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of request to manage

Send email reminder to the user who initiated the book issue request. Only avialable to Librarians.

  GET /books/requests/{id}/reminder
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of request to send email reminder to


Return the list of all tickets made at the library. If current role is user, only returns the list of requests made by the user.

  GET /books/tickets/

Manage tickets. Only available to Librarians.

  GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE /books/tickets/{id}
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of ticket to manage