The simulation code of TSRA

Primary LanguagePython


This project is the code for our works:

  • Reinforcement Learning for Improved Random Access in Delay-Constrained Heterogeneous Industrial IoT Networks (under review)
  • Reinforcement Learning Random Access for Delay-Constrained Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: A Two-User Case (PDF)

Note that The code author of DLMA is YidingYu. We have made some adjustments for delay-constrained communication.



If you want to run all algorithms in this project, you need to install some packets as follow:

  • python = 3.6
  • tqdm
  • psutil
  • numpy
  • tensorflow-gpu = 1.14
  • keras = 2.3

Two-device case

The code of two-device case is in the folder "two_device".

You can run the algorithm by entering the corresponding folder and using the following command:

python main.py

And there is an example for how to calculate the transition probability matrix for "Upper Bound" in the folder "TransitionProbaility".

Multi-device case

The code of two-device case is in the folder “multi_device”.

You can run the algorithm by entering the corresponding folder and using the following command:

python main.py

There are some arguments you can change for different settings.

For example:

python main.py -D 10 -n1 3 -n2 100

means that the deadline is 10, the number of uncontrollable devices is 3 and the number of TSRA is 100.


If you find this project useful, we would be grateful if you cite our paper.

Our paper for two-device problem has been accepted by 2021 GLOBECOM Workshop on Towards Native-AI Wireless Networks.