Resources about time series forecasting and deep learning.
- AAApointNo graduate
- BeBeYourLove
- cwernerPlanet Labs Germany
- DaoSwordBeijing, China
- DewangYang
- elisejiuqizhangMcGill University
- excellentiam-prog
- gxhrid
- HALF111Zhejiang University
- HangZhang10
- jacobwing
- jlidwThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Judy0718
- jvpoulosBrigham and Women's Hospital
- kong-xcAirRefueling Tech
- kongqi404china
- Lip-Z
- lixus7UNSW
- louisletoumelinACRI-ST
- MehranSeyfi16Mashhad , Iran
- ryanlaics
- shaido987Noah's Ark Lab @huawei-noah
- shenxiangzhuang@netease @bytedance @tencent
- techperfect
- TswCrazy
- tuosun98Harbin, China
- v1xeruntUniversity of Edinburgh
- xieydd@Tensorchord
- yhzhu99Beihang University
- YKatserconundrum.ai
- Yukijudaii1352School of Computer Science, Fudan University
- Zero-coderTsinghua University
- zfb132WuHan University
- zhangVictoria
- ZhuoLinLi-shu