
A web crawler algorithm that parses HTML from current and connected pages. The parsed information is saved and users can perform search queries on the crawled data.

Primary LanguagePython

Brandon Le
Timothy Dao

Instructions for running in command line:

To run the crawl at "http://people.scs.carleton.ca/~davidmckenney/tinyfruits/N-0.html": (replace the link with your own)
python -c "import crawler; crawler.crawl(\"http://people.scs.carleton.ca/~davidmckenney/tinyfruits/N-0.html\")"

To search and print the results for the query "coconut apple" with boost = True: (you can change the search query and boost to whatever you'd like)
python -c "import search; print(search.search(\"coconut apple\", True))"