
A high performance Swift library for GPU-accelerated image/video processing based on Metal.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A high performance Swift library for GPU-accelerated image/video processing based on Metal.

This library is highly inspired by GPUImage.


Test libraries are BBMetalImage (0.1.1) and GPUImage (0.1.7). Test device is iPhone 7 with iOS 12.1. The code can be found in CompareImageLib project.

  • BBMetalImage has low memory usage for processing image.

  • BBMetalImage has low CPU usage and high speed for camera capturing, processing and rendering.


  • More than 60 built-in filters
  • Filter chain supported
  • Customized filter
  • High performance


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 4.2


Install with CocoaPods:

  1. Add pod 'BBMetalImage' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod install or pod update.
  3. Add import BBMetalImage to the Swift source file.

How to Use

Single filter

Call filteredImage(with:) method of a filter is the simplest way to get filtered image synchronously.

let filteredImage = BBMetalContrastFilter(contrast: 3).filteredImage(with: image)

Filter Chain

The code below:

  1. Captures image with a camera
  2. The image captured by the camera is processed by 3 filters
  3. The processed image is rendered to the metal view
// Hold camera
var camera: BBMetalCamera!

func setup() {
    // Set up Camera to capture image
    camera = BBMetalCamera(sessionPreset: .high)!

    // Set up 3 filters to process image
    let contrastFilter = BBMetalContrastFilter(contrast: 3)
    let lookupFilter = BBMetalLookupFilter(lookupTable: UIImage(named: "test_lookup")!.bb_metalTexture!)
    let sharpenFilter = BBMetalSharpenFilter(sharpeness: 1)

    // Set up metal view to display image
    let metalView = BBMetalView(frame: frame)

    // Set up filter chain
    camera.add(consumer: contrastFilter)
        .add(consumer: lookupFilter)
        .add(consumer: sharpenFilter)
        .add(consumer: metalView)

    // Start capturing

Process image synchronously

// Set up image source
let imageSource = BBMetalStaticImageSource(image: image)

// Setup 3 filters to process image
let contrastFilter = BBMetalContrastFilter(contrast: 3)
let lookupFilter = BBMetalLookupFilter(lookupTable: UIImage(named: "test_lookup")!.bb_metalTexture!)
let sharpenFilter = BBMetalSharpenFilter(sharpeness: 1)

// Set up filter chain
// Make last filter run synchronously
imageSource.add(consumer: contrastFilter)
    .add(consumer: lookupFilter)
    .add(consumer: sharpenFilter)
    .runSynchronously = true

// Start processing

// Get filtered image
let filteredImage = sharpenFilter.outputTexture?.bb_image

Process image asynchronously

// Hold image source
var imageSource: BBMetalStaticImageSource!

func process() {
    // Set up image source
    imageSource = BBMetalStaticImageSource(image: image)
    // Setup 3 filters to process image
    let contrastFilter = BBMetalContrastFilter(contrast: 3)
    let lookupFilter = BBMetalLookupFilter(lookupTable: UIImage(named: "test_lookup")!.bb_metalTexture!)
    let sharpenFilter = BBMetalSharpenFilter(sharpeness: 1)
    // Set up filter chain
    // Add complete handler to last filter
    weak var wLastFilter = sharpenFilter
    imageSource.add(consumer: contrastFilter)
        .add(consumer: lookupFilter)
        .add(consumer: sharpenFilter)
        .addCompletedHandler { [weak self] _ in
            if let filteredImage = wLastFilter?.outputTexture?.bb_image {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    guard let self = self else { return }
                    // Display filtered image
    // Start processing

Built-in Filters

  • Brightness

  • Exposure

  • Contrast

  • Saturation

  • Gamma

  • Levels

  • Color Matrix

  • RGBA

  • Hue

  • Vibrance

  • White Balance

  • Highlight Shadow

  • Highlight Shadow Tint

  • Lookup

  • Color Inversion

  • Monochrome

  • False Color

  • Haze

  • Luminance

  • Luminance Threshold

  • Chroma Key

  • Crop

  • Resize

  • Rotate

  • Flip

  • Sharpen

  • Unsharp Mask

  • Gaussian Blur

  • Box Blur

  • Zoom Blur

  • Motion Blur

  • Tilt Shift

  • Blend Modes

    • Normal
    • Chroma Key
    • Dissolve
    • Add
    • Subtract
    • Multiply
    • Divide
    • Overlay
    • Darken
    • Lighten
    • Color
    • Color Burn
    • Color Dodge
    • Screen
    • Exclusion
    • Difference
    • Hard Light
    • Soft Light
    • Alpha
    • Source Over
    • Hue
    • Saturation
    • Luminosity
    • Linear Burn
    • Mask
  • Pixellate

  • Polar Pixellate

  • Polka Dot

  • Halftone

  • Crosshatch

  • Sketch

  • Threshold Sketch

  • Toon

  • Posterize

  • Swirl


BBMetalImage is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.