DappCamp Warriors


  1. Install Depedencies
    npm install

Deploy the contract on Rinkeby Test Network using Alchemy as Node Provider

  1. Create a file by name .env inside the root directory of this project (if not already created by the contract deploy script). Paste the following lines inside this .env file
  1. Replace YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_KEY with API key (use the full Alchemy URL) created using Alchemy

  2. Replace YOUR_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY with private key obtained by following these steps

    1. Click on metamask plugin icon in the browser
    2. Select Account details
    3. Click Export Private Key button and confirm your password
  3. Run the following command to deploy faucet on rinkeby network

    npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

  4. The deployed contract address will be printed to console and will also be automatically be copied to the abis folder in src directory.

Generating the images

  • warriors-generator folder contains the Node.js script to generate the ~2.2K warriors images
cd warriors-generator
npm install
mkdir images
node ./index.js images

Uploading to IPFS

  • Upload the generated images directory to Pinata.
  • Generate metadata for each image.
cd warriors-generator
mkdir metadata
node ./index.js metadata <images-directory-ipfs-url-here>
  • Upload the metadata directory to Pinata and get the directory hash. Let's call it METADATA_DIR_HASH.
  • Once the contract is deployed you can call the setBaseURI() function with this parameter - https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/{METADATA_DIR_HASH}/
  • Now your NFTs will automatically get an image and metadata assigned on minting.

Start the Web App

Use the following command to start the web app

npm start

Minting the NFTs

  1. After running the web application click on Mint next item in Collection to mint a new NFT
  2. You can also use Remix to mint NFTs
    1. Copy the contract abi to Remix IDE
    2. Paste contract address in At Address field
    3. Use mint function to mint an NFT

Viewing the NFT Collection on OpenSea

  1. Replace CONTRACT_ADDR and TOKEN_ID in https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/CONTRACT_ADDR/TOKEN_ID to access specific token in this collection