
Leaflet routing machine Locationiq provider

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Leaflet Routing Machine / Locationiq

Extends Leaflet Routing Machine with support for Locationiq directions API.

Some brief instructions follow below, but the Leaflet Routing Machine tutorial on alternative routers is recommended.


npm install --save leaflet-routing-machine-locationiq


There's a single class exported by this module, L.Routing.Locationiq. It implements the IRouter interface. Use it to replace Leaflet Routing Machine's default OSRM router implementation:

var L = require('leaflet');
require('lrm-locationiq'); // This will tack on the class to the L.Routing namespace

    router: new L.Routing.Locationiq('your api key'),

Note that you will need to pass a valid Locationiq Api key to the constructor.

This is forked version based on OSRMv1 perliedman