This is a solution to the FAQ accordion challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help me improve my coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- Hide/Show the answer to a question when the question is clicked
- Navigate the questions and hide/show answers using keyboard navigation alone
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
desktop view
mobile view
- Solution URL: solution URL here
- Live Site URL: live site URL here
Node.js and npm (or yarn): Download and install Node.js as it includes npm (Node Package Manager). Alternatively, you can use a package manager like yarn.
- Clone or Download the Project:
If you have Git installed, clone the repository using the following command
git clone
If you don't have Git or prefer a manual download, download the project's ZIP file from the source (if available) and extract it to a folder on your computer. You can also use ssh.
- Install Dependencies:
Navigate to the project directory using your terminal or command prompt.
Run the following command to install the required dependencies listed in the package.json file:
npm install
(If you're using yarn, use yarn install instead.)
- Start the Development Server:
Run the development script using npm:
npm run start
This will typically start a local server (usually at http://localhost:8080
or a similar address). The exact port number might vary depending on your system configuration or other running processes.
- Open the Project in Your Browser:
Open your web browser and navigate to the URL displayed in the terminal output after running npm run start. This will usually be http://localhost:8080
(or the specific port used).
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- Eleventy
- Nunjacks temmplating engine
- Accesibility
I learned how to set up an Eleventy project from scratch. I improved my use of grid and flexbox, but I'd like to work on more projects to become more confident with these box layout. I also learned about accessibility best practices for decorative elements. I learned more about sass variables and learned how to use basic components with javascript and nunjucks.
I want to create an extended project or template using Eleventy. This could be a portfolio website or a blog template. I'd like to practice more techniques for creating Eleventy layouts and components for static site builders.
In addition to accessibility, I want to ensure my code is compatible with all major browsers. I'm also interested in learning more techniques for creating non-standard elements and using CSS animations and transitions.
MDN Web Docs - this help me mostly with html and javascript part like optimizing javascript and images.
Sass, Eleventy Documentation - it help me with issues like mixin and deploying
Lighthouse and Performance Insights Tool in Chrome - i use this tool to check performance and how my website behave on different screens (mobile, desktop, tablet)
Can I Use - this is excellent website that help me check if some css like text-rendering support all browsers
Figma - Paste your design image to check the size of containers, width, etc.
- Website - DarekRepos
- Frontend Mentor - @yourusername