Rewrite of AskMe in Rust.
AskMe is a simple utility to help with memorizing terms, definitions, etc. AskMe files are written in yaml.
AskMe has many modes for you to pick from. Currently, it consists of:
run askme-* --help
where * is the askme mode you would like to run, or run it without any arguments to get a usage screen
Here's an example question file:
# Questionnaire configuration
title: My question title # Question title (string)
subtitle: My question subtitle # Question subtitle (string)
# List of questions
- title: S # Question title (string)
answers: # List of possible answers
- Sulfur # Answer 1 (string)
- Sulphur # Answer 2 (string)
- title: W # Question title (string)
answers: # List of possible answers
- Wolfram # Answer 1 (string)
- title: How many valence electrons does sodium have? # Question title (string)
answers: # List of possible answers
- "1" # Note: all answers must be strings!
git clone '' askme-rs
cd askme-rs
We appreciate contributions! Feel free to fork this repo and make PRs.
- Handle INT signal properly (print correct answers on termination)
- Don't force all fields to be declared