
Source Code for BloomBot (PENABUR Jakarta STEM Competition for Middle Schoolers, 2024). P.S: we did not win

Primary LanguageC++


BloomBot Prototype

Our team

BloomBot is a smart pot designed for urban farming with accesibility in mind.

Our prototype is built with Arduino Nano V3 (Atmega328P processor with the old bootloader) for the SMP PENABUR Jakarta STEM Project Competition, 2024.

Read our project proposal


This code is.. eh... I wrote this in two days. Keep that in mind. This is still very messy and much of the features are not yet implemented, except for the basics.

The main file is located at bloombot/bloombot.ino.



  • Arduino (Nano or Uno)
  • Wires and resistors
  • Breadboards (our team used a mini breadboard connected to th the arduino nano)
  • Soil moisture sensor
  • DHT11 temperature and air humidity sensor
  • 2-row LCD
  • 3 push buttons
  • Submersible water pump
  • Transistors and/or relay module as needed to amplify digital signal from Arduino and power the water pump

Pin setup can be found at bloombot/pins.h.

Compiling and Uploading Sketch

Get all the libraries used in this code (available via library manager):

Then compile and upload the sketch (assuming you're in the root directory of the source code):

arduino-cli compile -u -b arduino:avr:nano ./bloombot/bloombot.ino 


  • The type of the DHT sensor has to be defined as DHT22 to make our sensor work, while it's actually a DHT11.