
React-Node chat web

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Chat Web


With Docker

  1. Be sure you have installed docker and docker-compose

  2. In backend directory exists a file called .env.example, you need to copy it and rename the copy with .env, then fill it with the correct information, a example of this file is:


    As you can see the MYSQL_HOST its called db, it means that in non test environment the backend use the network attached in docker-compose, in this case is db.

    MYSQL_PASSWORD is configured in docker-compose.yml you can set it if you want.

    MYSQL_DATABASE and MYSQL_TEST_DATABASE i sugest that use the same names because the sql files are configurated with that names, or if you want to change it, you can change all the entries in files /backend/sql/db_schema.sql and /backend/sql/db_schema_test.sql.

    MYSQL_TEST_HOST is a special case, becasue if you are using docker toolbox on windows (im not sure if works in the same way in Mac), you need to put the IP address provided with Docker quickstart terminal, generally is the same everywhere (; if you are in linux (or another SO that runs docker nativelly) you can set this value with localhost. This is because the tests are runned on the host machine and not in the container, in the host you don't have access to db network.

    In JWT_SECRET you can set it with any string.

  3. In the frontend directory you need to configure the host of the backend endpoint, to do it, copy the file called /frontend/src/settings.example.js and rename the copy with /frontend/src/settings.js the port 8080 is configured in docker-compose.yml, y ou can change it if you want, but be aware to modify it in both files.

  4. Networks and endpoints configured, we need to install front and backend dependencies, move to the frontend and backend, then run npm install. After front end dependencies are installed, run npm run build

    Extra step if you are using a unix based SO: you may need to give execution permissions to a file located in /backend/wait-for-it.sh running chmod +x ./backend/wait-for-it.sh on the root of the repository.

  5. Now, we have front and backend ready to start, move to the root of the repository (chat-web) and run docker-compose up, now you can access to the frontend using HOST:9000 and backend HOST:8080

Without Docker

Following the same example as the docker instructions, you just replace the host and db ip adadress with localhost.

Run tests

Only the backend has tests (i have no time for frontend :c). For run backend test just move to the backend directory and run npm test.

WARNING: Database must be up, if you are using docker, run docker-compose up before run tests.

Database model

Database model