
Team members & proposals for tennis club elections

Primary LanguageCSS

Project Name: Dario Alessio's Portfolio

Description of the project:

This is a page created to include professional information regarding technical and soft skills and abilities to inform potential employers.

This is the 6th part of the whole project. It includes the previously completed homepage, "My recent works", "About myself", and Contact form sections, as well as the newly added link to the deployed page using Github Pages, which can be found in the section Deployment of this README file. In this 6th part of the project, a popup has been added when clicking on the "Go to site !" buttons.

The project includes both mobile and desktop versions.

Project will be updated in next weeks with more information about the completed projects that will form part of the portafolio.

The project has been done following template # 4 of Figma options provided by Microverse.

Built With

-Major languages: HTML, CSS

-Frameworks: Visual Studio Code, Figma

-Technologies used: Git, GitHub, linters.

Live Demo (if available)

No demo link available.

Getting Started

No special instructions needed


No prerequisites


No setup required


No install instructions required


Usage only for educational purpouses

Run tests

No test required


Deployment done with Github Pages.

Link: https://darioalessior.github.io/my-portfolio/


👤 Dario Alessio (@DarioAlessioR)

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page: (https://github.com/DarioAlessioR/my-portfolio/issues).

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used and to reviewers that make possible constant improvement of this project.

  • Inspiration: Code with your brain, work with your heart.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.