Python microservice API

Example project to implement a Python messaging API microservice.

Getting Started

This project requires internet connection, docker and docker-compose on the host machine.


Build the image docker-compose build

Launch it docker-compose up


There are two end points:

/ADD Add a data point

curl "http://localhost/add?account_no=123&date=2017-01-01&ledger_balance=10&cleared_balance=10"

this will return a JSON with a single field ID_CODE like the following:

{ "ID_CODE": "0" }

/VISUALIZE Visualize the data

curl http://localhost/visualize?account_no=123

vill return an http page with a chart with the data, rolling average and exponential average.


Run the tests with


Technology Stack / Dependencies

  • Python 3.5 - All components are build in Python
  • Nginx - HTTP Proxy to sitting in front of the Python Service
  • Flask - Web application framework suitable for creating microservices in Python.
  • Gunicorn - Pre-fork application server to efficiently serve the Flask application in production.
  • Docker - Container technology to create simple and consistent deployments.