
Template driven form rendering for django

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Template driven form rendering for django


  • Strong python/html code separation
  • Easy redefinition of particular fields rendering
  • Complex form layout support
  • Formsets and js goodies out of the box

Demo: http://forms.viewflow.io/



django-viewform tested with Python 2.7/3.3, django 1.6/1.7:

pip install django-viewform

And add it into INSTALLED_APPS settings


Quick start

Include formpack javascript and styles into your base template

{% include 'viewform/bootstrap3/include_css.html' %}
{% include 'viewform/bootstrap3/include_js.html' %}

Packs for bootstrap3 and foundation5 are available out of the box

Render your form with {% viewform %} template tag

<form method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% viewform 'viewform/bootstrap3/form.html' form=form %}{% endviewform %}
    <button type="submit" name="_submit" class="btn">Submit</button>

Template tags

viewform is built around simple concept called viewpart. Viewpart is like django template block, it has a default value and could be overriden. But viewparts are created dynamically for each form field, which allows you to redefine specific form field html render output.

Here is the example of rendering form with predefined bootstrap template, but prepend email field with @ sign.

<form method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {% viewform 'viewform/bootstrap3/form.html' form=form layout=view.layout %}
        {% viewpart form.email.field prepend %}
             <div class="input-group-addon">@</div>
        {% endviewpart %}
    {% endviewform %}
    <button type="submit" name="_submit" class="btn">Submit</button>

There is a lot of other viewparts declared in default templates. See template code for details. If your widget is so special, just provide {% viewpart form.my_field.field %}any html code{% endviewpart %}


Layout object is the way to specify relative fields placements and sizes.

from viewform import *

layout = Layout(
    Row('shipment_no', 'description')
    Fieldset("Add to inventory",
             Row(Span3('product_name'), 'tags'),
             Row('vendor', 'product_type'),
                 'gender', 'desired_gender'),
             Row('cost_price', Span2('wholesale_price'), 'retail_price')))

SpanXX elements are not directly mapped to bootstrap or foundation grid classes, but used to determine relative fields width. Each row occupies 12 grid columns. Elements in Row('elem1', 'elem2') would be rendered in 6 grid coulmns each, and in Row(Span2('elem1'), 'elem2') elem1 would be rendered in 8 grid columns, and elem2 in 4 grid columns.

Layouts rendering itself is specified in template. See templates/viewform/<tempalte_pack>/layout code folder for details.

ModelForm Views

Viewform library provides LayoutMixin for model form views, populates form fields list directly from layout object

from django import generic
from viewform import LayoutMixin

class SampleView(LayoutMixin, generic.ModelFormView):
    layout = Layout(...)

Formset and inlines

With django-extra-views NamedFormsetsMixin you can use inline names inside viewform layout

class FormsetView(LayoutMixin,
    model = Shipment

    class ItemInline(extra_views.InlineFormSet):
        model = ShipmentItem
        fields = ['name', 'quantity']

    layout = Layout(
        Row(Column('name', 'city'),
            Column('address_line1', 'address_line2')),
        Inline('Items', ItemInline)


0.1.0 2014-11-05 - Alpha

  • First alpha version extracted from Viewflow library
  • Initial bootstrap3 and foundation5 support
  • Basic django widgets support


Viewform code and html templates licensed under LGPL

Components (bootstrap/foundation/jquery and etc) have own licenses. Referer to the source code for the details.