This repository contains a few ansible roles and playbook to assist with deploying CAPEv2 and it's dependencies on Ubuntu 20.04 (may work on other versions as well) and is based of doomdraven's install script.
Install git
sudo apt install git -y
and clone this repo
git clone
cd capev2-playbooks
Install dependencies
sudo apt -y install curl python3 python3-dev apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common
Add the Ansible repository NOTE! Skip if on Ubuntu 20.04
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
Install Ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ansible
Create your ansible inventory file
nano ./inventory
Insert the following and adjust according to your needs
"cape_host": {
"hosts": {
"": null
"vars" : {
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3",
"cape_user": "cape",
"cape_db_user": "cape",
"cape_db_password": "changeme",
"cape_ip": "",
"cape_vm_subnet_ip": "",
"cape_vm_subnet_interface": "virbr1",
"cape_nr_processor": 4,
"cape_machinery": "kvm",
"cape_tor_dnsport": 5353
"cape_tor_enabled": "yes",
"cape_tor_interface": "virbr1",
"cape_tor_proxyport": 9040,
"tor_listening_ip": "",
"cert_common_name": "localhost",
"external_fqdn": "example.tld",
Launch the playbook
ansible-playbook --connection=local --inventory inventory --limit capev2_deploy.yml
"ansible_python_interpreter": "/usr/bin/python3",
"elastic_version": "7.10.0",
"npcap_version": "1.00",
"cape_user": "cape",
"cape_db_user": "cape",
"cape_db_password": "changeme",
"cape_ip": "",
"cape_vm_subnet_ip": "",
"cape_vm_subnet_interface": "virbr1",
"cape_nr_processor": 4,
"cape_machinery": "kvm",
"cape_tor_dnsport": 5353
"cape_tor_enabled": "yes",
"cape_tor_interface": "virbr1",
"cape_tor_proxyport": 9040,
"tor_listening_ip": "",
"cert_common_name": "localhost",
"external_fqdn": "localhost",
"inetsim_enabled": "yes",
"inetsim_ip": "",
"inetsim_dns_port": 53,
"inetsim_interface": "virbr1",
"misp_enabled": "no",
"misp_url": "https://localhost",
"misp_apikey": "REPLACE_ME",
"misp_auto_publish": "no",
"misp_min_malscore": 0,
"misp_enrich_cape_report": "no",
"misp_distribution": 0,
"misp_report_threat_level_id": 2,
"misp_report_analysis_state": 2,
"misp_send_ioc": "no",
"misp_include_network_ioc": "yes",
"misp_include_ids_ioc": "yes",
"misp_include_dropedfiles_ioc": "yes",
"misp_include_registry_ioc": "no",
"misp_include_mutexes_ioc": "no",
"proxmox_ip": "",
"proxmox_user": "cape_user@pve",
"proxmox_password": "changeme",
"proxmox_active_vms": "cape-win10-1",
"proxmox_vms": [
"name": "cape-win7-1",
"platform": "windows",
"ip": "",
"snapshot": "clean",
"tags": "64x"
"name": "cape-win10-1",
"platform": "windows",
"ip": "",
"snapshot": "clean",
"tags": "64x"