
Generate Things from API Descriptions

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


license status PRs Welcome

GTAD (Generate Things from an API Description) is a work-in-progress generator of code from a Swagger/OpenAPI specification. Initially made to generate marshalling/unmarshalling C++ code for Matrix CS API, it can be extended to support other API descriptions (possibly even spreading to other API description languages, such as RAML) and other programming languages with static type checking.

A brief introduction to the topic of API description languages (ADLs) can be found in the talk at Qt World Summit 2017 that also announces the GTAD project.


Matrix room: #gtad:matrix.org.

You can also file issues at the project's issue tracker.

Setting up and building

The source code is hosted at GitHub. Tags starting with v represent released versions; rc mark release candidates. Do remember to use --recursive or update submodules after checking out - the project has external dependencies taken in as submodules (this may change in the future).


  • a recent Linux, Windows or macOS system
  • a Git client to check out this repo
  • Qt 5 (either Open Source or Commercial), version 5.7 or higher (eventually will be phased out)
  • CMake 3.8 or newer (from your package management system or the official website)
  • a C++ toolchain with C++17 support including File system library - this means GCC 8 (Windows, Linux, OSX), Clang 7 (Linux), Xcode 11 (macOS 10.15) or Visual C++ 2017 15.7 (Windows), or newer
  • any build system that works with CMake and/or qmake should be fine: GNU Make, ninja (any platform), NMake, jom (Windows) are known to work.
  • for the actual invocation - clang-format in your PATH or CLANG_FORMAT variable having a full path to clang-format.


Just install things from the list above using your preferred package manager. GTAD only uses a tiny subset of Qt Base so you can install as little of Qt as possible.


brew install qt5 should get you a recent Qt5. You may need to tell CMake about the path to Qt by passing -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<where-Qt-installed>.


  1. Install Qt5 and CMake.
  2. The commands in further sections imply that cmake is in your PATH - otherwise you have to prepend those commands with actual paths. As an option, it's a good idea to run a qtenv2.bat script that can be found in C:\Qt\<Qt version>\<toolchain>\bin (assuming you installed Qt to C:\Qt); the only thing it does is adding necessary paths to PATH. You might not want to run that script on system startup but it's very handy to setup the environment before building. Setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in the same way as for OS X (see above) is fine too.


In the root directory of the project sources:

mkdir build_dir
cd build_dir
cmake .. # Pass -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX here if needed
cmake --build . --target all

This will produce a gtad binary in build_dir inside your project sources. Installing is not generally supported yet; cmake --build . --target install installs a single executable with no dependencies and/or documentation.


GTAD uses 3 inputs to generate "things":

  1. Swagger/OpenAPI definition files, further referred to as OpenAPI files or OpenAPI definitions. Only OpenAPI 2 is supported for now (version 3 is in the roadmap). Each file is treated as a separate source. Notably, the referenced (via $ref) files are parsed independently from the referring ones; the generated code is supposed to import the files produced from the referenced OpenAPI definitions.
  2. A configuration file in YAML. One GTAD invocation always uses one configuration file (but you can invoke GTAD separately for different OpenAPI files). The format of this file is described in detail below.
  3. Source code template files. As of now, GTAD uses Kainjow's Mustache implementation for templating. GTAD exports the model for the API as a Mustache structure; this is covered in the respective section below.

A good example of GTAD usage can be found in libQuotient that has its network request classes generated from OpenAPI definitions of Matrix CS API. The CMakeLists.txt has a GTAD invocation line, using gtad.yaml for the configuration file and a few Mustache templates for code generation next to it. See also notes in that project's CONTRIBUTING.md and CMakeLists.txt for an idea how to integrate GTAD in your project.


GTAD is a command-line application; assuming that the gtad binary is in your PATH, the invocation line looks as follows:

gtad --config <configfile> --out <outdir> <files/dirs...>

The options are:

  • <configfile> - the path to GTAD configuration file (see the next section)
  • <outdir> - the (top-level) directory where the generated files (possibly a tree of them) will be put. Must exist before runnning GTAD.
  • <files/dirs...> - a list of OpenAPI files or directories with those files to process. A hyphen appended to the filename means that the file must be skipped (allows to select a directory with files and then explicitly disable some files in it).

Since version 0.9 GTAD uses clang-format at the last stage of files generation to format the emitted files. For that to work, a binary that can be called as clang-format (that is, clang-format for POSIX systems and clang-format.exe for Windows) should reside in PATH. Alternatively, you can pass the full path in the CLANG_FORMAT environment variable. While the target format is normally specified in a .clang-format file, you can override that by passing Clang-format command-line options in CLANG_FORMAT_ARGS - notably, if you prefer to skip formatting for whatever reason, you can set CLANG_FORMAT_ARGS="-n" (dry-run mode) before invoking GTAD.

Dealing with referenced files

If a processed OpenAPI file has a $ref value referring to relative paths, the referred file will be added to the processing list (even if they were disabled in the command line as described above). The respective relative path will be created in the output directory, so if an OpenAPI file has "$ref": "definitions/events.yml", the <outdir>/definitions directory will be created and the file(s) generated from definitions/events.yml will be put in there. Note that if definitions/events.yml has "$ref": events/base.yml, the events directory will be searched under input definitions directory, and a respective <outdir>/definitions/events directory will be made for output files from base.yml processing.

GTAD configuration file

GTAD uses a configuration file written in YAML to customise type mapping and files generation. The configuration consists of 2 main parts: analyzer (Analyzer configuration) and mustache (Printer configuration). As mentioned above, libQuotient has the (working in production) example of a configuration file.

Analyzer configuration

Analyzer configuration is a YAML object that includes the following parts.


A regex-to-pattern map of substitutions that should be applied before any processing takes place - for each old: new entry the effect will be the same as if a regex replacement (s/old/new/) were applied to the entire input. Be careful with such substitutions, as they ignore YAML/JSON structure of the API description; a careless regex can easily render the input invalid.


(Since GTAD 0.6) This is a map of more fine-tuned substitutions compared to subst, only applied to names (identifiers) encountered in OpenAPI. For now it's only applied to names of call parameters, schemas and schema properties but not, notably, to call names (operationIds).

There are two ways to specify a match. By default, the names are matched sensitive to case and literally; but if the match string starts with a / the rest of the string until the trailing optional / becomes a regular expression as described at https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/regex/ecmascript. When using the regular expression for matching, the substitution string can include $1,$2,... to reference the submatches; or $& to reference the entire match. Except from the first and the last position, / has no special meaning and should not be escaped.

One of the main cases for identifiers is to change names that clash with reserved words of the target language (unsigned in the example below) or otherwise undesirable as field/parameter names. If you add, e.g., unsigned: unsignedData to the identifiers section, GTAD will transform all target parameter names unsigned to unsignedData, unbreaking C++ code that otherwise would be invalid. The Mustache configuration will have both the original ({{baseName}}) and the transformed ({{paramName}} or {{nameCamelCase}}) names of those parameters so that you can still use the original name for JSON key names in actual API payloads and a transformed one to name C++ identifiers in your template files.

Since GTAD 0.7 you can use the scope (schema or call name; see below for the caveat on the call name syntax) to match specific occurence(s) of the identifier. The scope name is matched in the original form as it appears in the API description file but is not represented in the substituting string in any way; it cannot be rewritten. The separating character is / (unescaped, as mentioned). For calls, you should use the name provided in the operationId field followed by either > for identifiers in the request or < for those in the response. If you need to cover both directions, you're likely also covering several calls using a regex; just put a full stop (.) instead of the direction character.

Scope matching is especially useful to adjust the parameter name for additionalProperties (see further in this document) in different schemas and the "packed" response body name (by default it's always data) in different calls. A "packed" body is a case when the entire JSON in the request or response body is treated as a single piece (parameter or returned value, respectively). In the opposite, "unpacked" case the top-level JSON object in the request body or response body is destructured to a series of parameters.

Also since GTAD 0.7 you can skip the entire field by renaming it to an empty string. This is useful to prune deprecated fields from your generated code without touching the original API description. To protect you from shooting yourself in the foot GTAD will error if an attempt is made to remove a field that has required: true in the API description.

Example (the first line works in GTAD 0.6, the rest since GTAD 0.7):

default: isDefault                                # 1
AuthenticationData/additionalProperties: authInfo # 2
/^requestTokenTo.*</data/: response               # 3
/requestOpenIdToken</(.*)/: token$1               # 4
setAccountData>/additionalProperties: accountData # 5
getProtocols</data: protocols                     # 6
login>/medium: "" # The quotes are mandatory here # 7

This will:

  1. All parameters named default in the source API will be named isDefault in the generated code.
  2. Rename the additionalProperties field of AuthenticationData schema to authInfo. The schema name will be kept intact, only the identifier will be renamed.
  3. For any call with the name starting with requestTokenTo, rename the data parameter (likely, but not necessarily, representing the "packed" response body) occuring in the call's response (<) to response. The call name itself is not changed.
  4. For a call named requestOpenIdToken, prepend every parameter in its response with token. This line can be abbreviated to /requestOpenIdToken</: token; this is not recommended though, as it relies quite heavily on the specific way GTAD makes a replacement and may break once this logic changes.
  5. Rename the additionalProperties field occuring in the top level of the setAccountData call's request body to accountData.
  6. Rename the data field (likely a "packed" response body) in the getProtocols call's response body to protocols.
  7. Completely remove the medium parameter from the login request definition, as long as this parameter is not marked with required: true in the API description file.

This is the biggest and the most important part of the analyzer configuration, defining which OpenAPI types and data structures become which target language types and structures in generated files. Before moving on further I strongly recommend to open the types map in libQuotient's gtad.yaml next to this file: it's one of those cases when an example can better explain the matter than a thousand words.

This section is a list (YAML array) of entries; each entry is either of the following:

- <swaggerType>: <targetTypeSpec>


- <swaggerType>:
  - <swaggerFormat>: <targetTypeSpec>
  - /<swaggerFormatRegEx>/:
  - //: <targetTypeSpec> # default, if the format doesn't mach anything above


- +set: { <attributes> }
  +on: [ <typesMap> ]

In the above,

  • <swaggerType> and <swaggerFormat>/<swaggerFormatRegEx> are matched against type and format in the API description (see below on extensions to OpenAPI types and formats). If the format key starts with a / (forward slash) it is treated as a regular expression (the trailing slash is optional and is not processed - if you need it to be the last character of the regex, just add one more /), otherwise it's used as a literal case-sensitive string.

  • <targetTypeSpec> is either the target type literal string (such as double) or, in turn, a YAML object:

        type: <target type literal> # mandatory except for schema and $ref
        imports: <filename> or [ <filenames...> ] # optional
        ... # key-value pairs for custom type attributes, optional

    Each <targetTypeSpec> (except those in schema and $ref, see below) must unambiguously specify the target type to be used - either as a string (bool) or as an object with type property ({ type: bool }). For the purpose of proper rendering you will likely need to pass (and use in your Mustache templates) additional information about the mapped type - e.g., whether the type is copyable, whether it should be wrapped up in another type in case a parameter is optional, or which import - for C/C++ it's a file for #include - should be added). To address that, GTAD has a concept of type attributes: every type can have an arbitrary number of "attributes" with arbitrary (except type) names, modeled as string-to-string or string-to-list mappings. imports is an example of a string-to-list mapping.

    At the moment GTAD special-cases imports: in addition to just passing this attribute along with the type name, it adds its contents to a "global" (per input file) deduplicated set, to simplify generation of import/include blocks. Since some of imports come from $ref keys in API descriptions (see below), GTAD also translates the original $ref path to a form suitable to import the respective data structure in the target language. Before GTAD 0.8, that was really hardcoded to C/C++; GTAD used the first extension in a given (data or api) subsection of templates to append to the relative path and added quotes to paths that didn't have it. GTAD 0.8 introduced a concept of import renderers, Mustache templates that allow some basic configuration of the import transformation. This is discussed in a dedicated section below.

  • +set/+on statement allows you to apply type attributes to several mappings at once:

    - +set: { avoidCopy: } # Add 'avoidCopy' attribute...
      +on: # ...to anything matched by the list below
      - object: # ...
      - string: string
      - $ref: # ...
      - schema: # ...

Note that you should only specify any particular type/format combination no more than once. The lookup will stop on the first match, even if it only specifies attributes, without a type.

Supported types and formats

As mentioned above, swaggerType and swaggerFormat/swaggerFormatRegEx are matched against type and format specified in API description. The OpenAPI 2 specification defines standard types and formats; on top of these you can use the following non-standard types/formats in the GTAD configuration file (but not in the API descriptions):

  • "formats" under type array are used to match arrays with elements of a certain element type. This way you can, e.g., special case an array of strings as QStringList and still use QVector<> for arrays of all other types (including objects and other arrays). To render parameterised types GTAD assumes that strings under the type key in <targetTypeSpec> are themselves Mustache templates (in Mustache parlance - partials) and passes the parameter type as value {{1}}. Therefore, to use QVector<> for arrays you should write something like this:

    - array:
        type: "QVector<{{1}}>"
        imports: <QVector>

    or, if you prefer the "flow" style of YAML,

    - array: { type: "QVector<{{1}}>", imports: <QVector> }
  • schema: this matches all types defined within the API definition as schema structures, as long as these structures are not trivial.

    • a trivial schema is a wrapper around another type, such as string or a singular $ref, without additional parameter definitions; in other words, a schema with one base type that stores the same data as this base type). Such a schema will be inlined (=substituted with that type) in every possible occasion; so there's little sense in handling it.

    The list of "formats" inside schema allows to specify types, for which special target types/attributes should be used. Same as for other types, formats under schema are either regexes if they start with / or literal case-sensitive strings otherwise. Formats match:

    • the title attribute provided within the schema definition of API file;
    • failing that, schema's title as calculated after resolving $ref attributes (note that some $ref's can be intercepted, as described in the next bullet)
    • (since GTAD 0.7) for top-level request/response schemas format also matches the operation's operationId with a > appended for requests, < for responses (in the same vein as for identifiers entries) - e.g., getTurnServers< matches the top-level schema for the response body of getTurnServers.
  • $ref (supported from GTAD 0.6): this matches types defined in a file referenced by $ref and is used either to override some of those types with another type entirely or to add type attributes - similar to schema. "Formats" under $ref define patterns (regexes or literal strings) for referenced filenames, as they appear in the API description file. A type key provided for a certain pattern means that a file matching this pattern shall be entirely ignored and the target type provided under type shall be used instead. This allows to completely skip files generation for unwanted definitions. For example:

      # Coerce all types from files that have the path ending with "event.yaml"
      # to type EventPtr; the files won't be opened at all
      /event.yaml$/: { type: EventPtr, imports: '"events.h"' }
      # For all other ref'ed types, resolve references as usual and set the
      # 'referenced' attribute
      //: { referenced: }

    Beware: supplying type in a catch-all (//) node in this section (e.g., $ref: { //: { type: Ref } }) will lead to coercion of all not explicitly mentioned $ref'ed types to the type specified in this node.

    Since GTAD 0.7, two special type attributes can be used in $ref blocks:

    • title: newName will override the name of the main (top-level) referenced structure with newName, disregarding any title it has in the API description.

    • _inline: true will attempt to "inline" the top-level structure.

      As described in the very beginning of the Usage section, GTAD usually represents files included via $ref as separate type definitions in separate target files. There's one exception to that: if the loaded model turns out to be "trivial" - containing exactly one schema that has an exactly one parent, basically, an alias for another type - GTAD will replace usages of this schema with usages of the original type and eliminate the schema from the generated files entirely (both for definition and for usage).

      If _inline: true is specified for a given $ref GTAD will attempt to apply the same optimisation even if the loaded schema is non-trivial. This is useful in cases where an additional level of indirection complicates the code without bringing value, e.g., to unroll the top-level response object to a series of response parameters instead. Not all schemas can be inlined; if the $ref'ed schema itself consists of a $ref to yet another schema and parameters on top of that (more generally: if there's an allOf instance with more than one list entry in the API description) such schema will be "imported" as usual regardless of the _inline value - that is, the type will be defined in a separate file and this type will be used at the place of reference, with imports added in the referring file.

      As of GTAD 0.7, _inline: false does nothing; eventually it may force generating a full-fledged type for a schema even when the schema is trivial.

  • type object: this is an entry (without formats underneath) that describes the target type to be used when GTAD could not find any schema for it and the context implies that there are no restrictions on the type (but some data structure is still needed). Notably, this target type is used when an input parameter for an API call is described as schema without any attributes or with a sole type: object attribute; this normally means that a user can supply anything. Either a generic type (std::any in C++17 or void* in C) or a generic JSON object such as Qt's QJsonObject (as long as the API is based on JSON structures) can be used for this purpose.

  • map: this is what OpenAPI clumsily calls additionalProperties but a better name would probably be "property map" or "property list". additionalProperties corresponds to a data structure mapping strings (property names) to structures defined in the API description (property values); the API description file does not define property names, only the mapped type is defined. Similar to arrays, GTAD matches formats under this type against the type defined inside additionalProperties (type of property values). A typical translation of that in static-typed languages involves a map from strings to structures; e.g. the current libQuotient uses QHash<QString, {{1}}> as the default data structure for additionalProperties when the mapped data type is defined, QVariantHash for a generic map with no specific type, and, as a special case, std::unordered_map<QString, {{1}}> when the contained schema's title is RoomState because that type is uncopyable.

  • variant (supported from GTAD 0.6): this is a case of variant types or multitypes. Similar to map and others, you can override certain type combinations and use a dedicated type for them. The format pattern under variant should list the types separated by & in exactly the same order as in the API description (string&object and object&string are distinct sequences). Also, beware that null is a reserved keyword in JSON/YAML, so OpenAPI's null type should be escaped with quotes (e.g., "string&null").

    The list of types (for cases when the target type delimits the stored types, such std::variant<> from C++17) is stored in {{types}} variable: e.g. mapping to C++17 std::variant<> might look like:

      std::variant<{{#types}}{{_}}{{#_join}}, {{/_join}}{{/types}}>
      imports: <variant>
Import renderers

Since GTAD 0.8, it is possible (and, actually, necessary) to define the way imports will look in generated files. An import renderer is called in the context where a given import is stored in two forms: in complete but possibly half-baked (we'll get to that in a minute) form (in {{_}} - think of an element inside the {{imports}} Mustache list), and in a split form, as a Mustache list of path components comprising it (in {{#segments}} list). To give an example, if the original import was events/event_loader.h, the Mustache context would be:

{{_}}: 'events/event_loader.h' # without quotes
{{#segments}}: [ 'events', 'event_loader.h' ]

For simple cases when an import is provided verbatim in gtad.yaml, the default import renderer - that looks like {{_}} - works just fine. However, when it comes to imports produced from $ref nodes in the API description, {{_}} will store something like csapi/definitions/filter (base output directory and the path stem - that is, a path to a file without its extension. To convert that to something usable in C/C++, one needs to override the import renderer by supplying _importRenderer type attribute - for example:

- +set:
    _importRenderer: '"{{#segments}}{{_}}{{#_join}}/{{/_join}}{{/segments}}.h"'
  - $ref:
    - # ...

You can use Mustache constants and partials defined in gtad.yaml within import renderers.

Advanced type mapping configuration

In case when an element type of an array or a property map is in turn a container (an array, a map/additionalProperties or a variant) and it does not have a name, the format can be specified as follows (no nesting, string[][] is not supported):

  • for arrays: <elementType>[];
  • for maps aka additionalProperties: string-><elementType>;
  • for variants: <elementType1>,<elementType2>,... (exactly in the same order as in the API description).

You should not put any whitespaces in those constructs. The consolidated example follows:

- array:
  # Here's also an example of passing the namespace as a custom `ns` type
  # attribute so that you could add or omit it in the code, depending
  # on your `using` context.
  - string: { type: vector<string>, ns: std }
  - int[]: vector<vector<int>> # A shortcut for { type: ... }
  - /string->.+/: # Any additionalProperties map with non-empty structure
      type: "QVector<QHash<QString, {{1}}>>"
      # You can use imports either as a string or as a list attribute in
      # configuration; here's the example of using it as a list.
      imports: [ <QVector>, <QHash> ]
  - /^string,null|null,string$/:
      QStringList # Because QString can assume null values

Generally though it's better (more readable) to assign a name to such an element type and use this name instead - but you have to change the API description for that.

It's not possible to use the same shortcut on the type (top) level:

- int[]: # will not work
- array:
  - int: # correct

Printer configuration

The printer is essentially a Mustache generator (see above) that receives a certain context (very much resembling JSON structure) produced from the model made by the analyzer and from additional definitions, as described below. For that reason, it's essential that you get acquainted with Mustache language and its vocabulary; the entire Mustache specification is a 5-minute read but the following section gives a quick overview of what's available. Originally Mustache has been made to render HTML but GTAD reconfigures the generator for C++ instead (so you don't need to worry about &-escaping etc.).

Quick introduction into Mustache

Mustache template syntax boils down to 4 tag types:

  • {{variable}} - direct substitution for a literal or result of a predefined 0-argument function (a lambda) stored in the context under that name.
  • {{#section}}text{{/section}} - the value stored in the context under that name is applied to a block between the opening and closing tags. Depending on the type of that value, it can be:
    • a genuine section, if the context has a hashmap for that name, or a literal or 0-argument function evaluating to non-false; the inner block is printed with substitution according to the "derived" context, which is the previously effective (inherited) context overloaded with this hashmap (if the section corresponds to a variable, no overloading occurs);
    • iteration over a list - if the context has a list for that name, the inner block is rendered once for each element of the list, with substitutions done according to the "derived" context (see above) for that element of the list;
    • a 1-argument lambda - if the context has a (predefined, in case of GTAD) function with that name, the function gets the inner block and renders it, optionally using the current context (definition of new lambdas without code rebuilding is unfortunately impossible due to the compiled nature of C++ and the lack of dynamically loaded plugins framework in GTAD);
  • {{>partial}} - somewhat similar to {{variable}} but the result of substitution is treated as a Mustache template itself, meaning that Mustache goes through it looking for more tags to substitute.
  • {{^invertedSection}}{{/invertedSection}} - the same as a genuine section except that it checks that a particular value is false in the current context (i.e. it's either absent or evaluates to false) and only renders the inner block if the value is not found. No context overloading occurs as there's nothing to overload it with.

Auxiliary tag types include a {{!comment}} tag and delimiter reassignment (e.g., {{=<% %>=}} switches from the {{/}} pair to <%/%>)

As of GTAD 0.7, the printer configuration is stored in the top-level mustache node and includes the following parts:


Since GTAD 0.8, Mustache delimiters can be reassigned to a different pair. This may be necessary to comfortably work with languages like Julia that use braces for template specialisation (see #42). The value must be a string, with the opening and closing sequences separated by a whitespace; e.g.: delimiter: '%| |%' replaces {{with%|and}}with|%`.

P.S. Previous versions accepted _delimiter under constants - unfortunately, it never could practically serve the intended purpose is it had to be defined in the beginning of every single Mustache snippet (file, constant or partial). Due to a significant change in behavior, the old location is not supported any more.


This is a string-to-string map that forms a part of the context for the Mustache templating engine. Strings provided as keys correspond to Mustache variables and values, respectively, are values of those variables. No further interpolation of Mustache constructs takes place. Using of a constant name in Mustache code is as simple as {{name}}.


This string-to-mustache map is passed as is to the Mustache generator; strings defined here are treated as Mustache partials; use them to factor out often-used Mustache snippets in a manner you would use functions in a programming language. Using one partial from another is perfectly fine; the configuration file from libQuotient has several examples of such inclusion. The standard Mustache syntax is used: to use a partial with the name myPartial put {{>myPartial}} into your Mustache code and define myPartial: '(definition)' in the configuration file. Since GTAD 0.7 you can also include a partial defined in another file using the same syntax: {{>path/to/file}} includes (and interpolates as Mustache code in its turn) a file with the path path/to/file or, if that is not found, path/to/file.mustache.


This consists of two maps of extensions for generated files to Mustache templates used to generate each file: one map under api for API operation descriptions and another one under data for data schemas. For a given language, this is fairly static: in case of C/C++, it's likely to look like:

    .h: "{{>data.h.mustache}}"
    .cpp: "{{>data.cpp.mustache}}" # if needed
    .h: "{{>operation.h.mustache}}"
    .cpp: "{{>operation.cpp.mustache}}" # if needed

This instructs GTAD to take the original file (API or data), strip .yml or .yaml extension if it has one (other extensions will be preserved) and generate two files (with .h and .cpp extensions respectively) for each kind, using the respective Mustache template (that boils down to including a partial from the respective .mustache files).


This node is not used in libQuotient but is there for convenience and possible future use. The value for this key specifies the name of the file that will have the full list of generated file names upon GTAD completion. This can further be used, e.g., in a build system to include generated files into the build sequence. The target file is not a Mustache template; its contents will be entirely overwritten on every GTAD run.

Mustache tips and tricks

Mustache does not know anything about the target language and only does minimal work to collapse/eliminate linebreaks (basically - if there's nothing on the line except Mustache tags the extra linebreak will be eliminated). To relieve the developer from having to position Mustache tags in a very specific way only to get the formatting right GTAD 0.9 calls clang-format on the generated files as the final stage (GTAD 0.8 and before did not do that but it was still possible to achieve the same effect by calling clang-format after GTAD

  • libQuotient used to do that in its CMakeLists.txt, in particular). If you still need some way to eliminate extra linebreaks not removed by clang-format note that the ending }} of any tag can be put on a new line. The minimal way to consume a nasty linebreak is to just put a Mustache comment as follows:

TODO: more tips and tricks

Data model exposed to Mustache


GTAD provides a small "library" of predefined Mustache tags. Most of them start with @ to avoid clashes with ordinary context values.

  • @cap - capitalises the passed text; {{#@cap}}text{{/@cap}} is rendered as Text.
  • @toupper and @tolower - do what you expect them to do to each letter of the passed text, e.g. {{#@toupper}}tExt{{/@toupper}} becomes TEXT.
  • before GTAD 0.7, @filePartial allowed to load a Mustache template from another file, with the relative or absolute path passed as the argument. This is no more needed now that GTAD is on Kainjow Mustache v4.0 that allows to use the normal Mustache {{>partial}} syntax to load a partial either from the context (gtad.yaml) or, failing that, from a file.

GTAD has a few extensions to lists compared to original Mustache:

  • on the same level with the list l an additional boolean variable with the name l? (with the question mark appended) is set to true. This allows you to write templates that get substituted no more than once even when a variable is a list (see the example below). Unfortunately, because false behaves as null in this Mustache implementation, you cannot rely on nested lists with the same name l to have the correct l? value: the following snippet
      {{!the following is supposed to be on the `l?` nested in `a`;
         but it checks the upper level `l?` when inner `l?` is empty or false}}
    will not emit something even if the inner l list is empty. Fixing this is on the roadmap.
  • inside the list, a boolean variable _join is set to true for all elements except the last one. For (eventual) compatibility with Mustache templates used in swagger-codegen, there's a synonym hasMore equal to _join.
  • because the above variables have to be created under the list context, lists of literals are exposed to templates as lists of hashmaps, with the original element value accessed at {{_}} instead of {{.}} that is usual for Mustache.

The following example demonstrates list-related tags coming together. The template:

The list{{#list?}}: {{#list}}{{_}}{{#_join}}, {{/_join}}{{/list}}{{/list?
}}{{!See the note about linebreaks in "Tips and tricks" above
}}{{^list?}} is empty{{/list?}}

For the context: { "list": [1, 2, 3] } the output will be: The list: 1, 2, 3; for the empty context, it will be: The list is empty.

Text-manipulating lambdas do not support locales since the main intention of GTAD is to generate code (written in Latin script). This may change in the future.

API data model



Building fails

If cmake fails with...

CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:11 (find_package):
  By not providing "FindQt5Core.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project
  has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by
  "Qt5Core", but CMake did not find one.

...then you need to set the right -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable, see above.