
An exemplary implementation of GraphQL API and AWS DynamoDB

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NodeJS GraphQL DynamoDB


An exemplary implementation of GraphQL API and AWS DynamoDB. API contains two endpoints:

  1. Query configurations(userId) - lets retrieve configurations related to custom userId.
  2. Mutation saveConfigurations(api, name, userId) - lets to save configuration in database.

Exemplary query and mutation can be found in unit tests spec(test/Configuration.spec.ts).

Runing the workflow

  1. Install dependencies and build using npm install.
  2. Copy example.env as .env and update it according to details of a target DynamoDB.
  3. Run yoga server using npm start.
  4. GraphQL Playground will be available on http://localhost:4000. API will be available for external clients on http://localhost:4000/graphql.
  5. To re-build the server use npm build.

Unit tests

  1. Install dependencies and build using npm install.
  2. Copy example.env as .env.
  3. Run yoga server using npm start.
  4. Install Docker Compose, run the Docker and update .env/DYNAMODB_URL with Docker default machine IP:4569, e.g. SQS_URL=http://localhost:4569
  5. Run the Local Stack by command: npm run startLocalStack
  6. Create a DynamoDB table by AWS CLI command: aws --endpoint-url= dynamodb create-table --table-name configuration --attribute-definitions AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S AttributeName=userId,AttributeType=S AttributeName=name,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH --global-secondary-indexes "[{\"IndexName\": \"userId-index\",\"KeySchema\":[{\"AttributeName\":\"userId\",\"KeyType\":\"HASH\"}], \"ProvisionedThroughput\": {\"ReadCapacityUnits\": 10, \"WriteCapacityUnits\": 5 },\"Projection\":{\"ProjectionType\":\"ALL\"}}, {\"IndexName\": \"name-index\",\"KeySchema\":[{\"AttributeName\":\"name\",\"KeyType\":\"HASH\"}], \"ProvisionedThroughput\": {\"ReadCapacityUnits\": 10, \"WriteCapacityUnits\": 5 },\"Projection\":{\"ProjectionType\":\"ALL\"}}]" --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5. In above command, use you Docker machine IP(eg http://localhost or
  7. To run unit tests execute npm test.


  1. GraphQL will be created when API will be started.
  2. Implemented based on graphql-api
  3. During the implemented was used node v10.16.3.