
TIUA Analytics

Primary LanguagePython


(webpage: http://an.kaist.ac.kr/traces/WWW2010.html)

Tweets Dataset:

{ https://ia800302.us.archive.org/5/items/archiveteam-twitter-stream-2012-01/archiveteam-twitter-2012-01.tar, https://ia800302.us.archive.org/5/items/archiveteam-twitter-stream-2012-01/archiveteam-twitter-2012-02.tar } (
wepage:{ https://archive.org/details/archiveteam-twitter-stream-2012-01, https://archive.org/details/archiveteam-twitter-stream-2012-02 } )

""" *id2json => reads users graph (twitter_rv.net) and makes "uson" with following format: {"Id" : {},"screen_name" : "","followers" : {}}

*insert_user_json => inserts "uson" to database.

*loadBaseUsers => reads users graph (twitter_rv.net) and writes unique ids in "base_ids.npy".

*seedTweets_mongoengine => searches for tweets in given directories, adds tweets and tweet's publisher user to database if user id is in "base_ids.npy" and user speaks ENGLISH! """

*seedUsers => creates following graph of users that exists in database using "twitter_rv.net"

1 - Modify Settings.py (PATH and DIRECTORIES) { ### Database Name DBNAME = 'tiua'


    #this file'll be created by loadBaseUsers.py
    BASE_IDS_PATH = 'path/to/base_ids.npy'

    #this file'll be created by seedTweets_mongoengine.py
    EXISTING_IDS_PATH = './indb_ids'

    GRAPH_PATH = "/path/to/user/graphs/dataset/twitter_rv.net"

2 - Run loadBaseUsers.py

3 - Run seedTweets_mongoengine.py

4 - Run seedUsers.py

5 - RUN influator.py(or multinfluator for more speed!)