
Collaborate with some of the best developers around the world

Live at

🤔 What is CoDev?

CoDev is a social media platform wherein the users can register themselves with their email ids and provide us their github id. We will seamlessly fetch all of his github achievements to showcase it on our profile page. We can view the profiles of other amazing developers and Collaborate with them to initiate a chat and discuss any thing related to tech or otherwise😉. Tired of seeing the same user again and again? The users can even Pass the user and we do make sure to never show his/her profile again unless you change your mind.


Me and my team member Puja Saraf have always been a hackathon enthusiast. One problem we always ran into was finding the perfect team members for our hacks. We do have some amazing ideas to implement but the required tech stacks sometimes goes out of our bounds. Registering for a hackathon and then forming a team then and there isn't something for us. We'd prefer planning our projects beforehand and get to know our team mates better. That's when we came up with CoDev.

❓ About CoDev

This website was built with React, Express and Node. It also has text chat functionality to communicate with fellow developers!

Codev is now a Progressive Web App (PWA), you can add it to your homescreen and it behaves like a mobile app.

🧐 How to Use?

  1. Once you're on the homepage you can either login with an existing one or signup with a new email id
  2. You will now be redirected to a create profile page where in you can fill the required details to get started.
  3. Once done with this you will see a list of developers and you can Collaborate or Pass any user.
  4. You can initiate a chat with the users you chose to collaborate with

🎮 Screenshots

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

🏁 Getting Started (to run locally)

Follow the steps below, after cloning the repository:

🖐 Requirements

For Installing:

  • Node

For Running:

  • Create a .env file inside the backend folder and then delcare the following two variables inside it
    • PASSWORD="Your atlas password"
    • USER="your atlas username"
  • Go to frontend/package.json and add the following line:- "proxy":"http://localhost:8000",
  • Go to frontend/src/api/index.js and change the base url from to http://localhost:8000 (at line no. 2)

⏳ Installation

  • At the root of the project directory, use npm to install the server-side dependencies
npm install

This command installs all the server-side dependencies needed for the game to run locally.

  • Use npm to run server
npm start

This command gets the server running on localhost port 8000.

  • In a separate terminal, navigate into the frontend folder and use npm to install the client-side dependencies
cd frontend
npm install

This command installs all the client-side dependencies needed for the website to run locally.

  • Finally, use npm to run frontend
npm start

This command gets the client running on localhost port 3000.

Head over to http://localhost:3000/ and enjoy! 🎉

👻 Testing

The project includes unit tests for testing all the routes and controllers, written using jest and supertest.

Run all tests

npm run test

👨‍💻👩‍💻 Contributors

(Since Codev is currently in Beta we request to always provide a valid github id while creating a profile)