
This git repo consist of all the codes images and PPT of the workshop on basics of Numpy and OpenCV that me along with Somya Bansal conducted as a part of Aero Modelling Club IIT BHU on 31-01-2022.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This git repo consist of all the codes images and PPT of the workshop on basics of Numpy and OpenCV.

To directly go to the assignment session click here.

Hello My dear friend

May I guide you through the repo??

If you are new to github and are little confused with what to do with the repo don't worry, just follow these instructions.

You can directly go to the numpy revision notebook here

You can directly go to the openCV revision notebook here

Here I have uploaded all the fies. To access them just click the view code button just above these text. Then all the files inside this repo will become visible to you. You can either download them or fork and clone them.

!!Fork and clone!! What does that mean???

That are some basic git commands to get familiar with those commands check these


Youtube Playlist

The following are the resources from where I learned the things that I taught you during the workshop.

Hope it helps you too :)

Youtube playlist(ProgrammingKnowldge)

Numpy documentation

RGB & HSV data

OpenCV documentation


Morphological operations

Drawing Functions


Contour_retrival modes

Image moments(wiki)

Image moments(openCV doc)