
Simple way to work with VK API

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EasyVK GoDoc

Package EasyVK provides you simple way to work with VK API.



$ go get -u github.com/solidlsnake/easyvk-go/easyvk


import "github.com/solidlsnake/easyvk-go/easyvk"

How to work:

Initialize your VK object with your access token.

vk := easyvk.WithToken("token")

Or you can log in by email and password.

// put your email, password, client id and scope
// scope must be a string like "friends,wall"
v, err := easyvk.WithAuth("my@beautiful.mail", "pa$$word", "9182736", "friends,wall,photos")
if err != nil {
	// doesn't log in

Now you can call method of VK API with your vk variable.


Get user profile info:

info, err := vk.Account.GetProfileInfo()

Set user status:

// If you want to update status on your page
// then set ID to 0
userID := 0
ok, err := vk.Status.Set("New status", userID)

Post photo on wall:

id := 0

server, err := vk.Photos.GetWallUploadServer(uint(id))
if err != nil {

// path to the image
path := "D:/x.png"
uploaded, err := vk.Upload.PhotoWall(server.UploadURL, path)
if err != nil {

saved, err := vk.Photos.SaveWallPhoto(0, uint(id), uploaded.Photo, uploaded.Hash, "", uploaded.Server, 0, 0)
if err != nil {

text := "Caption for the post"
photoID := "photo" + fmt.Sprint(saved[0].OwnerID) + "_" + fmt.Sprint(saved[0].ID)

// -id if you post to group wall
x, err := vk.Wall.Post(id, false, true, false, false, false, text, photoID, "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if err != nil {

If you need to call method that not done yet:

methodName := "account.banUser"
params := map[string]string{
        "user_id": "1",
byteArray, err := vk.Request(methodName, params)
if err != nil {
// Now work with byteArray.
// Parse it to struct or to interface.

List of finished methods: