
Simple CLI made on elixir to get info of reposiroties and user of github.

Primary LanguageElixir

Github Search ⚙️🌍


Package to get information of a github's user, this package is a practice to get more experience working with Elixir.


This package is not published on Hex but ypu can clone the repository and run local.

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/DarkCode01/github-search.git
cd ./github-search

Install all packages

mix deps.get


And build project and run command.

mix escript.build

Run command to get information.

github_search --username darkcode01

Add to module and use.

defmodule MyModule do
  import GithubSearch, only: [process_parser: 1]

  def my_function() do
    process_parser([username: "darkcode01"])
    |> IO.inspect
    |> Map.get("login")
Made with ♥️ by darkcoder